Barr Testifies

Who's watching?  Nadler's outline seems pretty thorough so far.

Jordan and crew will make this all about Obama spying.  Didn't they bring all this out a year ago last time they talked to Barr?  They're a broken record - they may as well bring up Benghazi.

Jordan shows a video of all the violent protesting.  Probably pretty effective for their side.  Unfortunately the democrats probably didn't put together a montage showing the other side.

Gohmert is most concerned about Bruce Ohr.  

Democrats are giving too many speeches and not directing questions to Barr.  It's sort of a waste at the moment.

I guess the hearings will show two things we already know.

1.  Barr is a dishonest, sanctimonious, hypocritical piece of ****.

2.  GOP members of Congress are idiotic toadies who keep repeating the same nonsense because it supports the delusions of their supporters.

jamie said:

Jordan shows a video of all the violent protesting.  Probably pretty effective for their side.  Unfortunately the democrats probably didn't put together a montage showing the other side.

 That video was a campaign ad for their side. That could turn out the vote for Trump. 

Sometimes the Dems really suck. Barr blamed PPE shortages on Obama, and as far as I can tell, no Dem jumped on him for it. They could have really buried him by asking "well what did Trump do in the last 3 1/2 years to fix it, and maybe dismantling the pandemic response team wasn't the best idea?"

But they didn't. They let it lie there.

Barr tells that lie about Obama being responsible for PPE shortages, with the same arrogant, condescending tone that he tells every other lie.  In fact, the more arrogant and condescending his answers, the more it's a lie.  What a "tell".

Attorney general William Barr has said he does not generally believe there is systemic racism in US police departments. During a House Judiciary Committee hearing, Democratic congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas questioned Barr on whether he considered the killing of George Floyd to be indicative of a systemic problem in policing. Amid crosstalk between Lee and Barr, the attorney general said: 'I don’t agree there is systemic racism in police departments generally in this country.'

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