Amy Coney Barrett

This strikes me as a problem

Maybe Trump can teach her how to do that "Never heard of him/her/it/them" excuse he always uses.

nohero said:

Maybe Trump can teach her how to do that "Never heard of him/her/it/them" excuse he always uses.

 didn't she meet with Trump in person?  Seems like she's got more to worry about right now.

ml1 said:

nohero said:

Maybe Trump can teach her how to do that "Never heard of him/her/it/them" excuse he always uses.

 didn't she meet with Trump in person?  Seems like she's got more to worry about right now.

Yes, she did.  With her whole family.  If Trump tested positive, that means he had it this past weekend.  

She cannot have any meetings with Senators for at least two weeks, and the whole "rush confirmation" should be put on hold.

nohero said:

Yes, she did.  With her whole family.  If Trump tested positive, that means he had it this past weekend.  

She cannot have any meetings with Senators for at least two weeks, and the whole "rush confirmation" should be put on hold.

 That was my question on another thread. I wondered if this morning's news would slow down the business of the Senate.

Sen. Lee, who was also there, has also tested positive.

It's being suggested that the announcement of Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court nominee at the White House on Saturday may have been the super spreader event. Sen Mike Lee has tested positive and he was at the event on Saturday. 

eta - Cross-posted with PVW (I'm in good company.)

I'm nervous about Biden. He's tested negative, but early results can often be false negatives.

PVW said:

I'm nervous about Biden. He's tested negative, but early results can often be false negatives.

I'm very nervous about Biden.  While many people refuse to believe that aerosols don't spread COVID, Trump was shouting  Tuesday evening and the aerosol may have infected Biden, even though they were socially distanced. 

nohero said:

ml1 said:

nohero said:

Maybe Trump can teach her how to do that "Never heard of him/her/it/them" excuse he always uses.

 didn't she meet with Trump in person?  Seems like she's got more to worry about right now.

Yes, she did.  With her whole family.  If Trump tested positive, that means he had it this past weekend.  

She cannot have any meetings with Senators for at least two weeks, and the whole "rush confirmation" should be put on hold.

 I just heard that she already had Corona over the summer, so as I understand it, shouldn't be affected.  

Red_Barchetta said:

 I just heard that she already had Corona over the summer, so as I understand it, shouldn't be affected.  

 Does she have a problem with American beer?

STANV said:

 Does she have a problem with American beer?

 She would be drinking Corona Premiere to help Mexico pay for the wall.

Here's a rather chilling account of the People of Praise, a charismatic, mostly Catholic group in which Amy Coney Barrett, is a member. Women in the group used to be called "handmaids", although this was recently changed. It is described in the video by an ex-member as a cult.  I'm not sure whether this description has any validity, or if the former member simply has an axe to grind, as I note that it was shown on Democracy Now, a left-wing news show.

Jasmo said:


I think Barrett is the super spreader and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a court for the next few years.

Notre Dame has set up a telephone number for students to anonymously report members of the University Community not following University Covid guidelines. The number has been deluged with calls reporting the University President for his conduct at the White House event for Barrett.

jamie said:

I think Barrett is the super spreader and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a court for the next few years.

 I am guessing your comment was an attempt at humor, but Barrett had the virus in the summer and recovered. I have heard no report of transmission of COVID by survivors.

mtierney said:

Explaining liberal bias toward Catholics —

In a poorly made argument over all, the writer asserts (about abortion):

“Only 29 percent thought it should be legal under any circumstances—the position of Roe, the Democrats, and North Korea and China.”

That’s not true of Roe, “Democrats” as a party, or current law. Here is Roe:

“We, therefore, conclude that the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but that this right is not unqualified and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.”

DaveSchmidt said:

mtierney said:

Explaining liberal bias toward Catholics —

In a poorly made argument over all, the writer asserts (about abortion):

“Only 29 percent thought it should be legal under any circumstances—the position of Roe, the Democrats, and North Korea and China.”

That’s not true of Roe, “Democrats” as a general term, or current law. Here is Roe:

“We, therefore, conclude that the right of personal privacy includes the abortion decision, but that this right is not unqualified and must be considered against important state interests in regulation.”

The writer failed to include that the Gallop poll found that only 20%  wanted abortion illegal under all circumstances. 

mtierney said:

Explaining liberal bias toward Catholics —

 my bias toward Catholics is due to my 12 years of Catholic education, decades of regular attendance at mass, and listening to my relatives. 

Liberal bias against catholics? Joe Biden is a catholic, and so is Nancy Pelosi. You guys are really running out of attack lines aren't you?

ml1 said:

 my bias toward Catholics is due to my 12 years of Catholic education, decades of regular attendance at mass, and listening to my relatives. 

 Amen to that.

ml1 said:

 my bias toward Catholics is due to my 12 years of Catholic education, decades of regular attendance at mass, and listening to my relatives. 

 I’m still traumatized....

"legal under any circumstances—the position of Roe, the Democrats"

mtierney, do you have an explanation - or apology - for this falsehood in your link?

There are many good arguments on both (several) sides of the abortion question, but misrepresenting what the other side is saying is "fake news" by any definition.

mjc said:

"legal under any circumstances—the position of Roe, the Democrats"

mtierney, do you have an explanation - or apology - for this falsehood in your link?

 Please tell me the Democrats’ exceptions to abortion rights under Roe. As I recall, proponents did not exclude late term abortions. What “circumstances” are permitted under Roe?

Under Roe, the first trimester is simply up to the woman, with common medical standards; second trimester is in consultation with doc(s); third trimester can be further restricted.  This stuff has been common knowledge for 40+ years.  No excuse for someone writing on the subject to slide over it.

From Wikipedia:  "The Court settled on the three trimesters of pregnancy as the framework to resolve the problem. During the first trimester, when it was believed that the procedure was safer than childbirth,
the Court ruled that the government could place no restriction on a
woman's ability to choose to abort a pregnancy other than minimal
medical safeguards such as requiring a licensed physician to perform the
From the second trimester on, the Court ruled that evidence of
increasing risks to the mother's health gave the state a compelling
interest, and that it could enact medical regulations on the procedure
so long as they were reasonable and "narrowly tailored" to protecting
mothers' health.[6]
Since the beginning of the third trimester was normally considered to
be the point at which a fetus became viable under the level of medical
science available in the early 1970s, the Court ruled that during the
third trimester the state had a compelling interest in protecting
prenatal life, and could legally prohibit all abortions except where
necessary to protect the mother's life or health.[6]"

mjc said:

Under Roe, the first trimester is simply up to the woman, with common medical standards; second trimester is in consultation with doc(s); third trimester can be further restricted.  This stuff has been common knowledge for 40+ years.  No excuse for someone writing on the subject to slide over it.

From Wikipedia:  "The Court settled on the three trimesters of pregnancy as the framework to resolve the problem. During the first trimester, when it was believed that the procedure was safer than childbirth,
the Court ruled that the government could place no restriction on a
woman's ability to choose to abort a pregnancy other than minimal
medical safeguards such as requiring a licensed physician to perform the
From the second trimester on, the Court ruled that evidence of
increasing risks to the mother's health gave the state a compelling
interest, and that it could enact medical regulations on the procedure
so long as they were reasonable and "narrowly tailored" to protecting
mothers' health.[6]
Since the beginning of the third trimester was normally considered to
be the point at which a fetus became viable under the level of medical
science available in the early 1970s, the Court ruled that during the
third trimester the state had a compelling interest in protecting
prenatal life, and could legally prohibit all abortions except where
necessary to protect the mother's life or health.[6]"

You liberals, with all your "facts" and "science"

mtierney said:

jamie said:

I think Barrett is the super spreader and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a court for the next few years.

 I am guessing your comment was an attempt at humor, but Barrett had the virus in the summer and recovered. I have heard no report of transmission of COVID by survivors.

strains of zika and ebola have been detected in patients months after recovery.  I'm glad you're up on all of the reports and everything about this virus is known.  ohh

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