A Country for Old Men

Well you know what they say, old age should burn and rage at close of day.

I'm not going into mourning over this. There is a very strong chance that one of the mature men, will be picking a very qualified female running mate and that is something I can live with.

I keep telling myself that this is a special election, a nation-saver, and that we otherwise have gotten over gender, so we're going as safe as we can.

But the reality, I think, is that if liberal ideas were the order of the day, she's got Bernie beat by a mile. And he's still standing? One Boston NPR pundit made the point that though she came from nothing, she's still perceived nationally as a pedantic Hahvad prof.  

Who was more qualified than HRC? No one. And who is more of a buffoon than DJT? No one.

He wins.

Well, @GL2, I'm in agreement with all that you have said, but I've developed a bit of a survival technique that I'm now employing.

What is so galling is the fact that there were several excellent female candidates. But in the end the public just picked the guys they knew.

Governors, senators and billionaires fell by the wayside, because most people had no time or interest to watch debates, town halls and interviews. In a crowded field, with small donor restrictions good candidates dropped out.

I think the hardest blow though must have been Warren losing her own state.

Well she's on Maddow tonight at 9. Maybe we will learn more. 

She would have been something to watch in a debate with Bernie and Biden.

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