
There is a Twitter argument raging.  It started with James Lindsey poking fun at the wokesters out there.

Then there seemed to be a lot of people out there trying to prove him wrong by finding ways that 2+2=5(see above).  Please tell me you are not on board with this nonsense.

Yes, 2+2=4 under the rules of integer addition, within the integer system, along a single straight number line.

However, mathematics has many more interesting systems. For example, in vector addition, adding 2+2 is likely to add up to something less than 4.

And in Excel, it was super easy to get it to show this 2+2=5 sum:

(Can you figure out how it was done?)

Arithmetic and mathematics are not the same thing 

that screenshot is kind of unreadable

@ConceptualJames = "World's best Woke Interpreter"

I'd be a lot more concerned abut a Prez repeating Qanon crap than this. if you're concern is really about spreading disinformation.

But then you can't own the libs.

wow? I'll raise your wow with a AYFKM?


Is this zoomed in screenshot any clearer?

For clarity, the formula bar indicates that the selected cell (A3) is simply computed by adding cells: A1+A2.

As a hint: It's using ancient extra-woke methodology that is currently taught in most 4th-6th grade math curricula across the country. Brainwashing, I tell ya.

sprout said:

Yes, 2+2=4 under the rules of integer addition, within the integer system, along a single straight number line.

However, mathematics has many more interesting systems. For example, in vector addition, adding 2+2 is likely to add up to something less than 4.

And in Excel, it was super easy to get it to show this 2+2=5 sum:

(Can you figure out how it was done?)

 The 2s are actually something like 2.4, totaling 4.8.  You've set the cells to round to the nearest integer. 

I was talking about terp's screenshot in the OP

is there a bigger picture take away to this beyond a math PhD trolling the "woke" on Twitter?

In the words of Hermann Goering If the fuhrer wants it, two and two makes five

terp said:


Is your assumption in life: Everyone should think in basic Kindergarten-level terms?

terp said:

In the words of Hermann Goering If the fuhrer wants it, two and two makes five

I didn't know Excel was developed for Hitler. 

Although, the counting and tracking of Jews for the Nazis helped make IBM into an early database powerhouse.

mooewe said:

 The 2s are actually something like 2.4, totaling 4.8.  You've set the cells to round to the nearest integer. 


You are going to die on the hill that says 2+2=5?  I guess the rabbit hole goes pretty deep.  Scary stuff.

I now realize that not only is news fake, you can't trust math.

terp said:

In the words of Hermann Goering If the fuhrer wants it, two and two makes five

are you serious? or just trolling the "woke"?

terp said:

You are going to die on the hill that says 2+2=5?  I guess the rabbit hole goes pretty deep.  Scary stuff.

 look at the responses.  they're pretty reasonable.  Are you going to die on the hill that the only math is first grade arithmetic problems?

ml1 said:

is there a bigger picture take away to this beyond a math PhD trolling the "woke" on Twitter?

 That the Math Ph.D. appears to have a very very big view of himself?

James Lindsay, swings a big saber
@ ConceptualJames
Bestselling author. Math PhD. Founder of New Discourses. Apolitical. World's best Woke interpreter. Glitched the Matrix

sprout said:

ml1 said:

is there a bigger picture take away to this beyond a math PhD trolling the "woke" on Twitter?

 That the Math Ph.D. appears to have a very very big view of himself?

 that seems to be a fairly common trait of the anti-woke.

ml1 said:

terp said:

You are going to die on the hill that says 2+2=5?  I guess the rabbit hole goes pretty deep.  Scary stuff.

 look at the responses.  they're pretty reasonable.  Are you going to die on the hill that the only math is first grade arithmetic problems?

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I’m more comfortable with teachers explaining how 2 plus 2 can equal 5 — helping students understand the difference between rational unorthodoxy and the kind of disinformation Orwell meant when he used the equation — than I’d be if they casually conflated a Goering paraphrase with Soviet five-year plan propaganda.

DaveSchmidt said:

I’m more comfortable with teachers explaining how 2 plus 2 can equal 5 — helping students understand the difference between rational unorthodoxy and the kind of disinformation Orwell meant when he used the equation — than I’d be if they casually conflated a Goering paraphrase with Soviet five-year plan propaganda.

 Did you find a peer reviewed paper that says 2+2=5?  oh oh

Yup. You’re the funny one.

terp said:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

 if you're serious, you might want to cry for your own inability to grasp the reasonableness of the responses you got. And cry for your dystopian interpretation of these legitimate answers.

This was primo trolling from the get-go.  The very brilliant and awesome ConceptualJames is a math Ph.D., so he knows there are legit answers in which 2+2 does not equal 4, as sprout has very simply and elegantly demonstrated.  So he threw the chum in the water so that he and others like yourself could come back and accuse the "woke" of being like Nazis or Big Brother when people pointed out this very simple concept.

so congrats on some big-time trolling.

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