"I Wish Her Well"

Every time he says something outrageous, I consider what he may be trying to distract us from. I realize this is like watching for black helicopters but since he is deploying men in camouflage, it seems reasonable.

It was his most honest answer in the whole briefing.  He wasn't prepped with a phony one.

Trump knows he is safe on this one.  There is no way that folks like mtierney, who cheered when he locked kids in cages, are going to get their feathers ruffled over the molestation of a couple of dozen kids.  

Geraldo this morning was saying Maxwell shouldn't be locked up because these accusations are 25 years old and the trafficked and molested kids are all adults now, so I imagine that's the hot take for today.

ridski said:

Geraldo this morning was saying Maxwell shouldn't be locked up because these accusations are 25 years old and the trafficked and molested kids are all adults now, so I imagine that's the hot take for today.

 The same argument they all made in the Catholic Rape Debacle, recycled to defend the President's friends.  This is all so tiresome.

ridski said:

Geraldo this morning was saying Maxwell shouldn't be locked up because these accusations are 25 years old and the trafficked and molested kids are all adults now, so I imagine that's the hot take for today.

 The Roman Polanski defense.

 I'd settle for her blowing the whistle on the bunch of paunchy old dudes she helped to service.

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