Stop using Kapersky Antivirus

The war in Ukraine and Russia’s threats to NATO have prompted Germany to warn its citizens against using Kaspersky’s antivirus software.
On Tuesday, Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) issued an alert that urges people in the country to swap Kaspersky antivirus for another security product. Kaspersky is headquartered in Russia and has long faced allegations that it has ties to the Kremlin.
The BSI’s main worry is that Putin’s regime will compel Kaspersky to conduct surveillance and other malicious activities against its customers to help in the war effort.

Dave, the BBC Tech article on this quoted Kaspersky insisting that it can’t be compelled by Russian political interests to do anything (given its size and international significance). So it was clear that changing from Kaspersky is more a boycott than cyber safety… I’m confused.

joanne said:

Dave, the BBC Tech article on this quoted Kaspersky insisting that it can’t be compelled by Russian political interests to do anything (given its size and international significance). So it was clear that changing from Kaspersky is more a boycott than cyber safety… I’m confused.

at this point whatever little trust I had in Russia is gone. I would delete it. Boycott, whatever, just get it off your computer.

My brother reminded me that Kaspersky is actually headquartered in Germany and Switzerland, and they’ve released a statement to that effect  - Putin has no power over them. They’ve decried the invasion.

Here’s an old article about their ‘new’ HQ in Switzerland.

joanne said:

My brother reminded me that Kaspersky is actually headquartered in Germany and Switzerland, and they’ve released a statement to that effect  - Putin has no power over them. They’ve decried the invasion.

Here’s an old article about their ‘new’ HQ in Switzerland.

Yet, it is the German cyber people who are warning against its use.

So, Wiki is incorrect?

joanne said:

My brother reminded me that Kaspersky is actually headquartered in Germany and Switzerland, and they’ve released a statement to that effect  - Putin has no power over them. They’ve decried the invasion.

Here’s an old article about their ‘new’ HQ in Switzerland.

He hardly "decried" the "invasion."  There's no mention of the war starting as a one- sided invasion by Putin.  It's neutral and nambly pambly (war must be resolved by negotiation blah blah).   

This is the statement on their own site in relation to BSI/Germany’s warning:

And this is Eugene Kaspersky’s personal statement in response to BSI’s warning:

Note: those invitations for deep and thorough investigation of Kaspersky codes, storage and redirection of clients’ data have been issued for years - openly, in several places, on their website and in their printed documentation. Not something new. 

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