Here's the direct link to start a public or private community. Please give it a try - even if you don't need a community - would love to hear your feedback on how easy the set up process was.
We'll be adding a better way for you to visualize how the color codes will look. Hope to launch more "how-tos" videos shortly.
I'm just testing out - was it easy to create - did you get the email? Do you understand how to update things such as the colors - invite people - add a new discussion?
I've been working on making the community creation process as easy as possible. I didn't see your request go through though. I see a few others did.
In the end - you will have created a space where you can organize yourself or collobrate with others keeping info in one place where it's easier to access then emails or texting are.
I'm even trying to figure out different wording for it. It's a great organization tool - with a forum at the heart of it. But the term forum and message board are too generic for it I feel.
Tried again, didn't fill out calendar or contacts because it didn't seem relevant and when I click submit it brings me back to the same form blank. Using my HP laptop with Windows 10 if that helps.
you need to select one category from each - if you don't need those sections - you can turn them off afterwards. I don't see how you were able to bypass selecting one - unless you selected the blank one and didn't fill anything in. In which case it should force you to write in a category and give you the following warning:
Tried entering in a different spot on the introductory page, opening page I pick Public, then ion the next page instead of the top , "ready, click here to create your community, I went down the page to the sample categories and entered under community group and clicked on start.. Filled out all 3 categories, agreed to terms hit submit and after that it shows me a blank form again. Let me know if it shows up. Again, titled The Uncaged Bird, its public, bird watching photos stories, Berry Blues etc.
Done. Let me know if you need any kind of feedback. I only created the community. Didn't invite people or start to set it up yet.
Morganna said:
Tried entering in a different spot on the introductory page, opening page I pick Public, then ion the next page instead of the top , "ready, click here to create your community, I went down the page to the sample categories and entered under community group and clicked on start.. Filled out all 3 categories, agreed to terms hit submit and after that it shows me a blank form again. Let me know if it shows up. Again, titled The Uncaged Bird, its public, bird watching photos stories, Berry Blues etc.
Thanks so much for the feedback - I'll send you a PM for more info.
<< Once you set up a site - you can easily get to it by clicking on the "Communities" link at the top of the page. >>
Do the posts in one Community appear in the others? I clicked on Morristown, and it seems to be the same as MOL.
yes - at the moment - the other town sites have a lot of shared categories - we're looking for people to take the other sites over to customize the sites and add more local content. One major difference with our town sites is that the moderator can generate money off of ad sales. When you run a FB community all revenue goes directly to Mark Zuckerberg. I hop to make a push for moderator of these sites soon as well.
Morganna - we had a bug with the public option. Try now. Thanks for your help!
Thanks for trying it out - testers like yourself are greatly appreciated at the moment. I'll have a few more "How to" videos and updates to try out. Maybe in time you'll discover a purpose for it.
Finding a use for the community is completely up to you, and it's another reason for this thread is to find out how everyone IS using it.
At the moment, I find it's great for personal use. It's a really good tool to keep organized. For instance - Simone and I have a community. We have shopping threads when we think of anything specific we need to buy. I created a thread for my pool opening which I track the steps of getting the chemistry right. It's a good way for me to track progress this year, but will also be great for next year to see all tips and tricks I did this time around. So, if you take this point - what would be my other option - how would I organize info and pics in a way that would be easy to access down the road? This is a great solution for me.
So - there's no pressure to use it. It's there when you need it.
ok, here's another video - for those who have a community, And even if you don't have one or don't need one - we would love to see what sort of color combinations you come up with!
We could even update MOL to one of your color combinations. Or make yours one of our defaults.
I mainly got ideas for the ones I currently have from this page:
Here's a good site to create web backgrounds:
If you didn't try out a community - you can start here:
These communities won't show up anywhere - only you have the URL.
All feedback is appreciated.
Okay. I've just set one up.
Very easy. Received the confirmation email as well.
However, I've decided to change the name of the group. Is that do-able, or should I delete the group and start again?
You can the re-name - in your web admin - Configuration - Site content/logo.
Right now the subdomain is a bit random. If you would like your subdomain to be something else - let me know - just be sure it's a unique name - at this time I am reserving common words.
Thanks for testing it! I'm finding that the biggest use of this platform is to organize things in a much better way then email and texting would do.
Other similar platforms are geared towards larger companies - and most of the time you need to request a demo to see how it works - and the pricing is a lot. The goal with mine is to offer a new platform that can be useful for a community of 1 to a community of 10,000.
I've really streamlined the community creation process.
Think of the community as an alternate space for gathering your thoughts. I have several communities and I tend to prefer communication through the community over email and/or texting. It is also much easier to follow what have have and haven't read then a newsfeed group (and we don't data mine your info)
New functionality is the ability to use real names. So now the options are public/private - real name/username - then you have 4 default modules - Forum, Calendar, Contacts and Fileshare. Fully customizable with your colors and logo.
You can also pin it to your mobile homescreen and it functions as a Progressive Web App.
(This platform was developed in Maplewood, NJ.)
I've found that one great use for our platform is to use as a space for things you may not want to post on FB or things that are too public.
I've started to put together some How To-Videos - like this:
And trying to work up some promos like this:
The Jamie & Simone community I have really helps to focus on projects around the house and keeping all info we need to know in one private place. Plus it's nice to pin it to our phone and have it one click away.
At this time - we are not listing available communities. Down the road we may give an option if anyone wants their community to be listed - we'll do this after we have enough public ones - most of the use at the moment are for private or personal communities.
The only one we promoted on here awhile back just to show how it works is this one:
Of course it was more active when we were using it as an example.
Currently the platform is here to provide a service for those who could use a private space among a group of people. Once you start a community it's pretty easy to invite people in with their email address or a MOL/WorldWebs username.
We're in our infancy with this project, as far as getting the word out. Development is pretty far along and I'm finally ready to roll it out! Stay tuned!
After you start a community - here's how you can adjust the colors:
I would love it if any out there could Create a Community and come up with a cool color scheme that we could make one of our defaults. I was using some color palettes from this site for inspiration:
If you want to make a seamless background - you can generate some here:
You may not need all of the modules - here's how you can disable some:
Upload a Logo:
Here's a quick sample site to give you an idea how and why a WorldWebs community might be useful to you.
It provides a great space to keep track of anything. Sometimes thoughts and ideas get lost in emails and texts. An online community like this keeps things organized, centralized and focused.
This is my share image if I posted this link on social media:
I keep tweaking our platform page:
Here's the latest pitch:
The All-in-one platform which includes:
- Forum
- Contacts Directory
- Events calendar
- Share files
- Manage the look and feel
- Usernames or real names
- Public or private
- And pin to your phone's homescreen with a customized icon!
The Forum is the heart and it's such a great way to focus on things as compared to a news feed or an algorithm based platform.
Try it out for something simple - think of it as an easily accessible "go to" online space.
I just tried to send you an email through the Contact Us page email link, Jamie.
It came up with a 404 - Page Not Found result.
Ahhh! That link points to
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Our platform is branching out a little. After developing this platform to be very town specific, I've discovered that the format lends itself to virtually any group.
I have mentioned this concept before - now the website is a bit more user friendly at describing the concept:
I still have a bunch of "How To" videos to create. Here's one I just put together:
It provides a space to gather info that's easily accessible and organized.Give it a try! Once you set up a site - you can easily get to it by clicking on the "Communities" link at the top of the page.