South Orange COVID-19 Info Portal

Good Evening Neighbors,

We're please to launch which features information about local government services, frequently asked questions, a directory of local businesses that are open, opportunities for the public to donate or get involved, and additional resources that may help the community navigate this very difficult time.

We hope you will find this site useful. While it's not entirely complete and updates are still being worked on, we wanted to go live. I particularly would like you to pay close attention to the listings of local businesses that are open right now (dining, shopping, wellness & services).

While this was a great team effort, I wanted to give a special shoutout to Julie Doran and Melissa Hodge for their contributions in reaching out to businesses, not just in the South Orange Village Center, but on Irvington Avenue and the Valley Street corridor as well. #TakesAVillage

Remember, we are all encouraging residents to stay at home and avoid all unnecessary travel and interactions to the greatest extent possible. As of today, South Orange has 5 positive test cases.

A minimum of 6 feet. Don't Forget.

Sheena Collum

Village President

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