Sharing Files in Windows 10

Just got a new laptop with Windows 10, so far so good, until I tried copying files from my old desktop to the new computer. The new computer can 'see' the old and the old can 'see' the new, but it continues to tell me that I don't have persmission. I tried to 'share' but it won't allow. I don't know if this is a problem unique to Windows 10, but I know I've experienced similar in the past, but can't recall how to correct.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Well, I rebooted the new computer and guess what, it can now access the files. Windows, got to love it.

vermontgolfer said:
Well, I rebooted the new computer and guess what, it can now access the files. Windows, got to love it.

In my experience, rebooting takes care of more computer ills than any other "fix". If more people knew this, there would probably be a hit on computer tech incomes.

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