Sewer jetter

I recently had to- and did- snake out our sewer line.  Dirty, filthy job, but I got it done... at least somewhat.  The large aggressive cutters don’t seem to make a turn into the main drain.  A bit of research lead to a sewer jetter as a possible additional aid.

Does anyone have knowledge/experience using something like this???

THANKS so much

Are you looking to find the equipment and do it yourself? Or have a company do it for you? I had mine jetted by AAA Able Plumbing, recommended by Plungy. It wasn't cheap, but it was a big, difficult job and it took a crew of four with several big trucks to get it done, so I can't say the price wasn't fair. My issue also involved sharp turns, lots of tree roots, and a possible offset break in the pipe.

My job is nowhere near as complex and difficult as yours.  I got a snake, with small 'cutters'  thru the blockage, several times.  This sort of cleared the line(we did 2 loads of laundry without problem).  I'd like to finish it, but I'm having trouble making that first, and only, turn with the largest most aggressive cutter.

Hopefully, I have a bit of time before having to do this again.  I'd like to run a major cutter type solution thru now rather than waiting for an emergency baxk-up problem.

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