Rush Limbaugh has lung cancer

After years of denial that smoking can cause lung cancer. After denying that second hand smoke is harmful. After saying it takes 50 years for a person to get lung cancer. The ridiculous rants of this man on talk radio. I hate cancer. But I have no love for this man. He has done tremendous damage to this country. 

Jaytee said:

After years of denial that smoking can cause lung cancer. After denying that second hand smoke is harmful. After saying it takes 50 years for a person to get lung cancer. The ridiculous rants of this man on talk radio. I hate cancer. But I have no love for this man. He has done tremendous damage to this country. 

 Statistically speaking,  a certain number of people are going to get lung cancer this year.  Better Limbaugh than pretty much any of the other people who might have contracted it.  Other than Trump and Murdoch, Limbaugh has probably done more damage to America than any other living person. 

I hope it's painful and he suffers.

I'm not going to mourn him when he's gone, but like Trump, Limbaugh is a symptom, not the disease. Without millions of worshipful dittoheads as an audience, he'd be an oldies DJ, giving away REO Speedwagon tickets at the top of the hour. 

Maybe some of his listeners who trust him implicitly will say to themselves, "Guess I should  quit smoking after all."

ml1 said:

like Trump, Limbaugh is a symptom, not the disease. Without millions of worshipful dittoheads as an audience, he'd be an oldies DJ, giving away REO Speedwagon tickets at the top of the hour. 

 I think it is different insomuch as Limbaugh BUILT that audience.

Klinker said:

ml1 said:

like Trump, Limbaugh is a symptom, not the disease. Without millions of worshipful dittoheads as an audience, he'd be an oldies DJ, giving away REO Speedwagon tickets at the top of the hour. 

 I think it is different insomuch as Limbaugh BUILT that audience.

 Agree. I remember Bob Grant on local radio. The guy was an overt racist (Mayor Dinkins as the "men's room attendant") but he could never cultivate a national audience of grieving old white people and unite them behind a political movement like Rush and Ailes did. And Grant was a voice in the largest media market around. Rush worked his way "down" to the gutter through hard work and sick charisma.


Rush had the same adoring audience as DJT before DJT. He's been reduced to selling dog food and boner pills, having lost major advertisers, but the troops were never more loyal. 

Klinker said:

 I think it is different insomuch as Limbaugh BUILT that audience.

 there is no question that Limbaugh was a very talented broadcaster who understood how to build an audience.  He and Howard Stern were very similar in how they made the audience feel like a community of like-minded souls who were under siege (Stern and his audience from the FCC and prudish morals, Limbaugh and his audience from libs, feminazis, etc. and political correctness).  But he did need a receptive audience for his schtick.

drummerboy said:

I hope it's painful and he suffers.

 Edited to eliminate any confusion:

I wanted to be sure a member of MOL’s inner circle and his incredibly insensitive and hate filled comment were not overlooked, so I quoted it.

Not surprising that my intention was misunderstood.

When a person can celebrate another’s medical issues, all pretense at civility is gone.

Also, it was not funny.

No doubt he sensed something in the air...not sure I remember how political (as opposed to sociological) the early hate-building was. IOW, was it anti-dem as much as it was racist and misogynist?

mtierney said:

drummerboy said:

I hope it's painful and he suffers.


 About time you agreed with db. grin

GL2 said:

mtierney said:

drummerboy said:

I hope it's painful and he suffers.


 About time you agreed with db.

 Found yourself another metaphorical lynch mob.  Sycophants have to do what sycophants do.

RealityForAll said:

 Found yourself another metaphorical lynch mob.  Sycophants have to do what sycophants do.

 There's no lynch mob here.  Rush has no one but himself to blame for his fate.  Obesity and smoking are a sure fire way to give yourself cancer.  An addiction to opioids on the side doesn't hurt either.

Top that off with the worst karma imaginable and you have yourself a one way ticket to a luau in Hell.

mtierney said:

drummerboy said:

I hope it's painful and he suffers.

 Edited to eliminate any confusion:

I wanted to be sure a member of MOL’s inner circle and his incredibly insensitive and hate filled comment were not overlooked, so I quoted it.

Not surprising that my intention was misunderstood.

When a person can celebrate another’s medical issues, all pretense at civility is gone.

Also, it was not funny.

I hope it's really painful and that he suffers for all eternity.

And for you to talk about civility in relation to Limbaugh is hilarious. A man like him has earned no expectation of civility from others.

He should spend the rest of his life apologizing for the evil he has done.

I think rush is a despicable person, but I also think it’s despicable to celebrate his demise and even wish him suffering. Not surprising to see it here, though.

I think we can all be better than Rush in reacting to this news.  It's a low bar, after all.

Then the T-shirts the players are wearing, “I can’t breathe,” which is a misinformation piece on the death of Eric Garner. This is the kid in New York City that was selling black market cigarettes because the tobacco tax in New York is so high that the black market for cigarettes is thriving. A guy could make a living doing it.

So for some reason the cops were called where he was and they had to subdue him with a chokehold. They put him in an ambulance and he had a heart attack on the way to the hospital. The media reported cops killed him with a chokehold. Didn’t happen. The story was that he was shouting, “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe!” the cops killed him, chokehold, didn’t happen, had a heart attack. “Yeah, Rush, maybe the chokehold led to the heart attack.” Nope. Nope. Didn’t happen.

mtierney said:

When a person can celebrate another’s medical issues, all pretense at civility is gone.

Indeed.  I am reminded of Rush's sensitive response to Michael J Fox's fight with Parkinson's Disease.

The idea that a Trumpkin could lecture us about civility would be comical if the context wasn't so pathetic.

Smedley said:

I also think it’s despicable to celebrate his demise and even wish him suffering.  

Why?  Shouldn't those who live by the sword be prepared to die by the sword?  How many times has he celebrated the suffering of others?  How many times has he mocked others who were in pain?

There comes a time when you have to say good riddance to bad garbage.  

I really don't get why I'm supposed to feel bad about the fact that a horrible, despicable person has contracted a disease. He's still a horrible, despicable person - how does his bad luck make him all of a sudden worthy of sympathy? Especially since it's the type of sympathy he would never grant another.

Can someone please explain this type of morality?

drummerboy said:

I really don't get why I'm supposed to feel bad about the fact that a horrible, despicable person has contracted a disease. He's still a horrible, despicable person - how does his bad luck make him all of a sudden worthy of sympathy? Especially since it's the type of sympathy he would never grant another.

Can someone please explain this type of morality?

Not to someone who also doesn’t get poetry.

DaveSchmidt said:

Not to someone who also doesn’t get poetry.

He's not the same as you and me.
He doesn't dig poetry.

Funny how the gang of hate filled MOLers wish people to die painfully.  Good job they don't run the country too.

I'm not wishing pain on Limbaugh.  But I truly can't think of one redeeming quality that he possesses.  There isn't anything that I know about him that doesn't suggest he's a major league *******.  I don't call for his suffering, but I also can't help but think the world is going to benefit at least a bit from the end of his malignant presence.

lord_pabulum said:

Funny how the gang of hate filled MOLers wish people to die painfully.  Good job they don't run the country too.

 First, There is no "gang" there are individuals, a couple of whom posted what you find objectionable.

Second, but far more important, those who do presently run the Country are far worse than anyone who posts on MOL.

drummerboy said:

I really don't get why I'm supposed to feel bad about the fact that a horrible, despicable person has contracted a disease. He's still a horrible, despicable person - how does his bad luck make him all of a sudden worthy of sympathy? Especially since it's the type of sympathy he would never grant another.

Can someone please explain this type of morality?

Sure. People are expected to be insincere and polite, even when a GIANT a$$hole like Rush takes ill. We're supposed to discount all the venom and evil he's unleashed over the years. The fact that he's a fcuking monster is secondary. Please be polite. cheese

The nicest thing I can say is that I'm happy he'll be "away."

Maybe a few of his greatest hits will salve the pain of MOLers outraged by our "eulogies":

"What does it say about the college co-ed Susan Fluke [sic], who goes before a congressional committee and essentially says that she must be paid to have sex, what does that make her? It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford the contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex. What does that make us? We're the pimps. (interruption) The johns? We would be the johns?"

GL2 said:

The nicest thing I can say is that I'm happy he'll be "away."

 I used to tell my kids that if you can’t say something nice about someone, say nothing at all.

I do not always follow my own advice.

I pray that there will never be a time in my life when I would wish someone pain and suffering and death. 

No Pollyanna here, I dislike some people, but none to the degree I would wish to get cancer. 

Lots of folks, however, who I might think of as  boorish, or boring, or both, I try not to wish them bodily harm. Certainly, to wish a person advanced cancer, is unspeakable.

mtierney said:

 I used to tell my kids that if you can’t say something nice about someone, say nothing at all.

I do not always follow my own advice.

I pray that there will never be a time in my life when I would wish someone pain and suffering and death. 

No Pollyanna here, I dislike some people, but none to the degree I would wish to get cancer. 

Lots of folks, however, who I might think of as  boorish, or boring, or both, I try not to wish them bodily harm. Certainly, to wish a person advanced cancer, is unspeakable.

I guess each of us has different standards for what we consider unspeakable. 

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