Thanks for this info. I had a great time at the Deep Cut show last year. I’m looking forward to attending at least 1 show this season.
For all of the readers, who have tried a few of the orchids available at Trader Joe's, Home Depot, etc. (currently only Phalaenopsis, aka the 'Moth Orchid'):
There are many other orchids, which will do well under the same conditions as Phalaenopsis. They do not appear in stores in the Northeast, due to a lack of local wholesalers. However, if you visit one of the regional orchid shows, you will find an incredible array of choices.
Some vendors might claim that all of their offerings are easy for home growers. I can't confirm that. However, the following genera are all considered relatively easy, with reasonable expectations that a 'beginner' can re-bloom the plants:
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Even though this weekend will be warm, we can't rely on it to last all winter. There are a lots of opportunties to see some exotic flowers in upcoming Orchid shows:
Manhattan Orchid Society: Jan 11 & 12, 10:30-5:30, 555 Columbus Ave, NYC (The Plant Shed Cafe)
North Jersey Orchid Society: Jan 17-19, Douglass Student Center, Rutgers Univ., New Brunswick (10-5, 10-4 on Sunday)
Deep Cut Orchid Society: Feb 6-9, Dearborn Market on Rte 35S, Holmdel, NJ (9-6, 9-4:30 on Sunday)
Nutmeg State Orchid Society: Mar 21 & 22, West Hartford, CT
Southeast PA Orchid Society: Apr 3-5, Oakes, PA (near King of Prussia)
NJ shows have free admission (at Rutgers, you must pre-register on line to get free parking). Nutmeg & SEPOS have admission fees, I am not sure about Manhattan (this is their first show in many years).