recommend a therapist

The past few months have been stressful and I think its time for some professional help. The last time I saw a therapist was several years ago when I lived in another state so I'm looking for recommendations. I'm not looking for any specialty, just someone who will listen and help me process.

Thanks, Elizabeth

Maddie Petrow-Cohen is just simply a gem. She's in Maplewood. There might be a wait for your first visit, but if you can hang on I would wait for her. She is calm, practical, intuitive, compassionate, and smart. Totally puts you at ease and gets right to the root and helps you figure things outs very quickly. Can not recommend enough. Good luck in finding what you need

Maddie Petrow-Cohen is just simply a gem. She's in Maplewood. There might be a wait for your first visit, but if you can hang on I would wait for her. She is calm, practical, intuitive, compassionate, and smart. Totally puts you at ease and gets right to the root and helps you figure things outs very quickly. Can not recommend enough. Good luck in finding what you need

I recommend two:

Mim Walden (973-313-9785) South Orange

Meryl Dorff (862-250-0126) West Orange

Both excellent. Private line me for details!

Tessa Vining in Livingston, 917 301-1316, works with individuals, families and groups. Good luck!

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