Rahway River Clean Up

from Bob Roe:  Rahway River clean up this Saturday 5/4  10:0am until 2pm.  Wear shoes or sneakers or boots that are good to get wet.  Bags and gloves provided.  We willalso be grilling veggie burgers and veggie dogs for those who help.  When we first stated the clean up 20 years ago, we collected tons of debris.  Now we collect a few hundred pounds of mostly plastic.  So, I think this is progress.  Families welcome.  It is fun to get in the river.  

from Bob Roe:  Weather looks okay for river clean up.  Hope to see you on 5/4, between 10am to 2pm.  Call me at work tomorrow Friday  if needed.  

from Bob Roe"  River Clean up today  10:00am until 2:00pm.   Looks like a great day for a river clean up.    We will be grilling veggie burgers and veggie dogs to help you with your energy and nutrition.   The world looks great when you are in the river.  Good learning lesson for kids.  

from Bob Roe:  Thanks to all who helped with the river  clean-up Saturday.  I estimate that between what we collected at the Civic House site and the Parker Ave. site and the Public Works staff scrap metal clean up that we collected 500 or more pounds of debris.   Mostly metal scrap and plastics.   Thanks to Public Works for their help.  

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