potholes from h*ll!!

The road off SO Ave leading into res by dog park is really a mess with potholes and drivers are swerving all over the road trying to avoid them--it is a dangerous hazard to leave the road in such horrible condition--just posting this hoping pressure builds and road gets repaired-

it's hard to believe how bad Woodland Rd in Maplewood is. it looks like it's been bombed out.

Try the entrance from Springfield Avenue onto 78 West. It's a moonscape.

Scotland Rd, somewhere near Irving Ave is horrific. But I agree about the reservation road. It is a disgrace. I love the park being built around the reservoir, but I Essex County would put some money into the upkeep of the rest of the reservation. There is really no excuse, other than upkeep is not nearly as sexy as creating something new.

Places that might be more effective to report these potholes:

Springfield avenue issues (select Rt 124 from the dropdown, and fill in info):

Maplewood pothole issues:
For information about a pothole in Maplewood Township or to request service for a pothole, please contact the Public Works Department directly at (973) 762-1175.

OR: Report on the Maplewood twp online ticketing system (select the Pothole link under the Dept of Public Works heading, and fill in the info):

I think there is something similar for S.O. (if someone knows it, and wants to post the link).

Woodland pothole report submitted

catch22 said:

Try the entrance from Springfield Avenue onto 78 West. It's a moonscape.
Tonight there is major work (lots of trucks, big lights, etc.) being done on the Maplewood bound side of Springfield Avenue on that overpass, so I'm cautiously optimistic that they will work on the other side, including that pothole, very soon.

I drove past the Springfield Ave. entrance to the 78 W around 1 pm today and it looked like they were filling it in.

If you are looking for potholes from H*ll there is just one place to look, ALL NJ ROADS!!

I drove on the ramp from 124/Springfield Ave to I-78 West (local lanes that lead to 24) last night and it was full of potholes.

They were fixing road surface on the bridge that goes over I-78 last night.

I was driving to the Island for Passover on Saturday. I was on the Grand Central for a part of the ride. I've been on that stretch many, MANY times in the past, but it was really crazy this time. It was more pothole than road.

Bought a new car two weeks ago. Driving home from the dealer we hit that pothole on Jefferson just east of Maplewood Ave and it ripped a gash in the front right tire. Luckily, we live about 30 yards from the pothole so I made it to our driveway and put the spare on. Also luckily, the only add-on coverage we opted for was the extra tire and wheel protection (it being NJ after all), so we went back to the dealer and got a new tire for no charge the next day. But still, a total PIA....

Being the kind of guy who doesn't consider it a cuss-word, I've seen the potholes in Hull, and they're its best feature.

Wrong audience @ridski

Do we know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall?

sprout said:

Places that might be more effective to report these potholes:

Springfield avenue issues (select Rt 124 from the dropdown, and fill in info):

Maplewood pothole issues:
For information about a pothole in Maplewood Township or to request service for a pothole, please contact the Public Works Department directly at (973) 762-1175.

OR: Report on the Maplewood twp online ticketing system (select the Pothole link under the Dept of Public Works heading, and fill in the info):

I think there is something similar for S.O. (if someone knows it, and wants to post the link).

Maplewood cleared my pothole issue raised through the app in two days, with emails throughout. Pretty cool.

weirdbeard said:

Bought a new car two weeks ago. Driving home from the dealer we hit that pothole on Jefferson just east of Maplewood Ave and it ripped a gash in the front right tire. Luckily, we live about 30 yards from the pothole so I made it to our driveway and put the spare on. Also luckily, the only add-on coverage we opted for was the extra tire and wheel protection (it being NJ after all), so we went back to the dealer and got a new tire for no charge the next day. But still, a total PIA....

The pothole that ruined my tire has also since been filled.

Great to know about the reporting system. Tw turn from Ridgewood Rd onto Clinton Ave is killing my poor car. The potholes seemed to appear overnight and are pretty bad.

annemarie said:

Wrong audience @ridski

Was it, though, annemarie? Was it?

holbird said:

just posting this hoping pressure builds and road gets repaired-

Is that like looking for your lost contact lens in the room with the more light despite that you lost it in another room?

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