There is significant concern within the local Jewish community regarding this walkout which is described as being in support of Palestine. Repeated graffiti sightings at CHS whose content is threatening to the Jewish community, well publicized incidents at colleges in our area where Jewish students have been threatened by pro-Palestinian demonstrators, and suspected involvement of a local community group with ties to the SOMSD that has been known to have an antisemitic agenda have all contributed to this concern. It is encouraging that per the above cited letter the administration at CHS is not supporting the walkout, no outsiders will be permitted to participate, the MPD will be on hand to keep everyone safe, and classroom instruction will continue while the walkout is in progress. I sincerely hope that this will turn out to be a non-event.
Is there any information connecting the graffiti incidents with the walkout?
My daughter, a student at CHS, knows about it, but has no idea who is organizing/leading the event. I don’t know how it’s even being organized, although I’m sure social media is playing a part. It would be enlightening to see where this originated.
Students that are part of the demonstration will be marked as having "cut" the class. Are there consequences for such a "mark?"
This is ridiculous. Tie up traffic, miss class, how is that helping people? Look at the disaster they created at the tunnel !! They are aggravating a lot of people.
This is not organized, it’s just some kids who feel like skipping class and pissing off their own neighbors. We stay silent they become more brazen. Madness.
I sense a good bit of condemnation in this thread. Personally I like the idea of young people trying to be heard. Yes, there are consequences for cuts, but each student can make their own choice
Dan, it wasn’t my intention to start a thread to debate the merits of the walkout. I agree that students should be free to express their opinions. I also think it’s fair they get charged with an unexcused absence from class. It’s less meaningful if they don’t have to weigh the consequences. It’s not a major consequence but it’s not just getting a free period. And if the school allowed them the absence with no consequence, then the school is tacitly approving the walkout.
I’m more concerned with:
Some transparency would be helpful.
I don't know, when I marched in protest of our invasion of Iraq I had no expectation that Dick Cheney was going to listen to me. But I knew at least some people would be watching, and I hoped some people would stop and think. If even a few fellow students go home and ask questions or ask a teacher a question or two it may be worth it.
DanDietrich said:
I don't know, when I marched in protest of our invasion of Iraq I had no expectation that Dick Cheney was going to listen to me. But I knew at least some people would be watching, and I hoped some people would stop and think. If even a few fellow students go home and ask questions or ask a teacher a question or two it may be worth it.
That was a very clear message. “We don’t belong in Iraq.”
Again I’m not sure what message is being promoted tomorrow. Is it “Israel get out of Gaza” or “Ceasefire now” or what exactly?
mrincredible said:
That was a very clear message. “We don’t belong in Iraq.”
Again I’m not sure what message is being promoted tomorrow. Is it “Israel get out of Gaza” or “Ceasefire now” or what exactly?
One publicized bit of graffiti found recently at CHS contained the phrases "Free Palestine" and "Kill the Jews." Any conclusions linking that graffiti with today's walk out is circumstantial but troubling none the less.
joan_crystal said:
One publicized bit of graffiti found recently at CHS contained the phrases "Free Palestine" and "Kill the Jews." Any conclusions linking that graffiti with today's walk out is circumstantial but troubling none the less.
So, there is no evidence of any sort whatsoever linking any of this, but you are stating it as if there were. That is troubling to me. It's also troubling to think that a cease fire protest or a protest against the ongoing civilian deaths would automatically be connected to a horrible statement like "kill the Jews". It is possible to care about Palestinians without wanting Jews dead.
Jewish teachers in Canada are terrified of the rhetoric and the graffiti painted on their schools. It’s not like marching to protest a war, this activity is directed specifically at Jews. Ripping down posters of kidnapped Israeli citizens is just another indication of the level of hatred today. It’s a very different world we live in today. One thing is peaceful protest, another thing is chanting death threats.
maybe I’ll go drive by Columbia today see if they get my agita up enough…
DanDietrich It is possible to care about Palestinians without wanting Jews dead.
maybe if I’m ever caught in the traffic during a protest, I will calmly ask this of the people blocking traffic.
WTF do they have to block traffic? Why aren’t they doing this nonsense in Florida? Lots of Jews live in Florida! I’ll tell you why…
Jaytee you’re bringing up some very hateful acts. But should those acts be conflated with a high school student walkout? That hasn’t happened yet?
I actually wish I could go and observe the walkout for myself. I am concerned that any accounts of the event will be tilted towards one agenda or another. For instance, if there are one or two students who are carrying signs with inflammatory slogans, will all of the attention and images that are shared from the event focus on just that? I could see this happening with both social media as well as professional journalists. But I have a feeling most people will get their information about what happens today through social media postings.
Jaytee said:
maybe I’ll go drive by Columbia today see if they get my agita up enough…
Enough for what?
DanDietrich said:
So, there is no evidence of any sort whatsoever linking any of this, but you are stating it as if there were. That is troubling to me. It's also troubling to think that a cease fire protest or a protest against the ongoing civilian deaths would automatically be connected to a horrible statement like "kill the Jews". It is possible to care about Palestinians without wanting Jews dead.
I used the word circumstantial for a reason. I don't know what is motivating the walk out today. What I am reporting is the high level of fear in segments of our community as a result of the vandalism, graffiti, chants advocating violence, and other acts of hatred that have been reported in our community since the October 7th attack. It is very possible to criticize actions of the current administration in Israel without invading the country, killing 1,200 civilians and kidnapping over 140 people, some of who are under the age of 5, who just happened to be in the area when the invasion took place. It is very possible to advocate for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza without advocating for the death of every Jew in the world as Hamas has done. I sincerely hope that today's walk out is in the spirit of seeking peace in Maplewood/South Orange and in the Middle East. Still, viewing the recent incidents through the lens of the Shoah, the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms, recent incidents, including the uncertain motivation of today's walk out can raise fear among some in our community.
One aspect of "protests" that rankles me is when they do things like blocking bridges and tunnels, which just happened in NYC. You have a right to protest as zealously as you want to about anything but blocking my way is an act of coercion if not violence. You don't have a right to block my way and should be arrested for doing so.
Hey Joan,
I appreciate your concerns and also that you’re keeping this discussion in the context of what’s happening locally, particularly at the school. Some hateful and reprehensible things have happened. If those are at all connected with today's event we should all be concerned.
My biggest problem with what’s happening today is nobody seems to know who is organizing it and what’s the actual message.
mrincredible said:
Hey Joan,
I appreciate your concerns and also that you’re keeping this discussion in the context of what’s happening locally, particularly at the school. Some hateful and reprehensible things have happened. If those are at all connected with today's event we should all be concerned.
My biggest problem with what’s happening today is nobody seems to know who is organizing it and what’s the actual message.
If anyone knows the driving force behind today's walkout, it is the students themselves. The rest of us will likely have to wait and see what evolves during and as a result of the walkout.
I’m going to go a little bit off the deep end here.
It’s entirely possible that the organizing force behind this is not the students, and possibly unknown to the students. Adults pose as students all the time on social media in order to influence and manipulate actual students for sexual reasons. I see no reason why people wouldn’t do the same to promote a political agenda.
I don’t mean to sound paranoid. But in an absence of accurate information my imagination gets working overtime.
Drove past CHS 15 minutes ago. Saw only the normal lunchtime exodus of students.
I asked a CHS student about the protest and they did not know who organized it or what the group was specifically protesting. All the student knew was that is was "for Palestine."
joan_crystal said:
I used the word circumstantial for a reason. I don't know what is motivating the walk out today. What I am reporting is the high level of fear in segments of our community as a result of the vandalism, graffiti, chants advocating violence, and other acts of hatred that have been reported in our community since the October 7th attack. It is very possible to criticize actions of the current administration in Israel without invading the country, killing 1,200 civilians and kidnapping over 140 people, some of who are under the age of 5, who just happened to be in the area when the invasion took place. It is very possible to advocate for a ceasefire in Israel and Gaza without advocating for the death of every Jew in the world as Hamas has done. I sincerely hope that today's walk out is in the spirit of seeking peace in Maplewood/South Orange and in the Middle East. Still, viewing the recent incidents through the lens of the Shoah, the Spanish Inquisition, the pogroms, recent incidents, including the uncertain motivation of today's walk out can raise fear among some in our community.
the actions of October 7 were horrible. In reprisal for those 1200 civilians killed the Israeli government has killed roughly 23,500 Palestinians, including 5000 children. I'm all for Israel hunting down every member of Hamas. Should they make any effort to spare civilians, or are Palestinian children worth less? My numbers come from US govt reports, not any regional source.
DanDietrich said:
the actions of October 7 were horrible. In reprisal for those 1200 civilians killed the Israeli government has killed roughly 23,500 Palestinians, including 5000 children. I'm all for Israel hunting down every member of Hamas. Should they make any effort to spare civilians, or are Palestinian children worth less? My numbers come from US govt reports, not any regional source.
What has been reported is that Hamas has been using civilian Palestinians as human shields by locating their military in hospitals and areas heavily populated by civilians. Egypt has closed its border with Gaza limiting both the number of Gaza refugees who can escape the area in advance of Israeli troops who announced in advance that they were coming and urged civilians to leave the area and the number of vehicles carrying relief supplies who could enter Gaza. The death toll reported by the Hamas controlled health ministry has been beyond comprehension. With Hamas repeatedly announcing that they will not cease the violence until Israel is eradicated, what choice do Israeli's have? Under these conditions an offense is their only available defense. I think we all agree that the Palestinians in Gaza are the victims here as are the hostages and the 1,200 dead resulting from Hamas' attack. There are no winners here. What is needed is a path to true peace with no more loss of life. I wish someone would come up with a solution that would truly end the fighting and the death.
Young Israelies and young Palestinians were working towards that gradually. Remember the protests against Netanyahu when he started trying to destroy the courts and reinforce his right wing autocracy? Young people are ready for change. But the older folks on both sides are too afraid to trust. It's easier to hate.
As far as Palestinians leaving to escape the war, you are condemning them to losing their homes and livelihood forever and becoming unwanted refugees in a foreign country. I would not want to be forced to leave my home and neighborhood forever if Trump forced Canada to invade NJ
Okay apparently it’s for tomorrow the 12th. I’m so sorry for any confusion.
DanDietrich said:
Young Israelies and young Palestinians were working towards that gradually. Remember the protests against Netanyahu when he started trying to destroy the courts and reinforce his right wing autocracy? Young people are ready for change. But the older folks on both sides are too afraid to trust. It's easier to hate.
As far as Palestinians leaving to escape the war, you are condemning them to losing their homes and livelihood forever and becoming unwanted refugees in a foreign country. I would not want to be forced to leave my home and neighborhood forever if Trump forced Canada to invade NJ
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Why are they only planning walk outs in west orange, Teaneck and mapso? You guys are bright enough to figure it out. If it gets to the stage where Jewish students are scared of going to school, then they stay home. How is that beneficial to anyone?
How come we don’t hear about the Palestinians who are Israeli citizens, living in Israel? Ask them where they would rather live…
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
There is a walkout planned for tomorrow, Thursday, January 11. The only information I have heard is that it is “in support of Palestine.” That’s not very specific, as far as I’m concerned. Do any of you have any more detailed information about what message exactly the students who are walking out are trying to convey?
I’m attaching a copy of a letter that was sent out by acting principal Bodnar.