I drove thru Branch Brook park a couple of hours ago. I think blossoms will be peak Wed or Thur. I expect to go back one of those days for photo op. If anyone wants to join in please PM.
Jamie -- how do I delete a photo from a post? It didn't seem immediately obvious.
Click edit - then you should see a red x over the image - just click it.
Ah, thank you! The little red x was against the red of the tulip petal so I didn't see it.
Willowwood is amazing,especially this time of year. The Times had a great article today on Leyden Holland and its tulips. In 1624 during its Tulipmania one tulip bulb sold for 8 times a workers annual wage.
jamie said:
thanks for the photos....I've seen them recently around town but didn't know what they were.
Isn’t it strange?! We have daffs and tulips blooming at the same time you do! Only here, it’s almost winter...
(sorry I don’t have photos, there aren’t any nearby. This week is the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea and their logo is the yellow daffodil with orange centre because it’s so common in people’s gardens and brings hope)
Great plant for our gardens. Perennial salvia. Deer avoid it but hummingbirds and butterflies enjoy it. It blooms early and stays colorful for months. Handles a bit of drought.
Salvia is pretty, always reminds me of our boronia but boronia also has red/yellow and brow/yellow forms and smells so sweetly. I wonder if you can ever get legal seedlings or blooms?
joanne said:
Salvia is pretty, always reminds me of our boronia but boronia also has red/yellow and brow/yellow forms and smells so sweetly. I wonder if you can ever get legal seedlings or blooms?
We have a wonderful red annual salvia. A flat doesn't look like it will grow very big as they are about 3 inches but by the end of summer they rock out and give a great boost to the hummingbirds who are fattening up for the long journey south.
Thought it was time to start up this thread.
Seems like the perfect flower for this time, Bleeding Hearts.
My lilac is about to bloom - about a month earlier than it should, but first time in 3 years it looks like it is going to do well. The scent is already intoxicating. If anyone is over that way, there are gorgeous cherries on the Winchester Gardens campus, some of which are visible from the sidewalk along the property. (A friend’s irises are already coming out, though those used to be more towards June. Mother Nature must be so mad at us...)
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Daffodil bowl?
Looks like it's a good time for Branch Brook Park: