What that scientific study did not include, is an evaluation of the BMW drivers IQ. However, I have a first hand example, which is rather telling:
At Home Depot, I saw a BMW driver (one of the largest sedans) show up to collect a custom order, consisting of matching toilet & bath tub. Despite both items getting unpacked, and the best efforts of two HD employees, they were unable to fit either item into that vehicle.
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
Every MAPSOdian knows we have an obnoxious driver problem in these parts. If you don't know, you're definitely part of the problem. Now we have science revealing issues - namely, drivers of luxury cars. They even offer a specific shout-out to BMW drivers. btw ... Did you know "BMW" is German for "I'm a pretentious d-bag"???
You're welcome.