Not so divine when the meat eats the wine

Kangaroos have munched their way through a vineyard near the Australian capital city of Canberra, causing over $US 60,000 damage to a crop of pinot noir.

It was previously believed that kangaroos wouldn't eat grape vines, but this mob obviously decided otherwise.

Oh, and these 'roos are not destined for the table, although I reckon they might prove to be quite tasty.  oh oh

Marinating the meat in wine is an old tradition, which I am all for.

tomcat said:

Marinating the meat in wine is an old tradition, which I am all for.

But from the inside?

marksierra said:

It was previously believed that kangaroos wouldn't eat grape vines, but this mob obviously decided otherwise.

I'm currently researching deer resistant plants, and one thing that every expert agrees on is that there is not plant that is 100% deer proof, even the poisonous ones.  If hungry or desperate enough they'll apparently eat anything.  I would guess it is the same with most animals

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