Know I've seen small ones (for individual servings) at Livingston Shoprite; suggest you call bakery department first.
My first thought was Able Baker but will I be able to order first thing tomorrow morning to pick up later that day? just realized they are open today! YAY calling now.
Depends on what kind you like. Trader Joe's has packaged ones that are the size of a large biscuit. They are generally on a shelf near the customer service area where the breads are. Obviously not fresh like AB. I like them because they are dense and not too sweet.
Sad to say The Able Baker does not make the shortcake biscuit : ( .
Thanks @gerryl, I thought of TJ's but wasn't sure if they carried them. I too would prefer them fresh but might just get a package at TJ's if I can't find any. Good to know how they taste, thanks!
Able may not make the shortcake biscuit but they made a fantastic strawberry shortcake for my mother-in-law's 90th birthday party last year.
So, where did you find them, and were they tasty?
Mom used to make them from Bisquick all the time. Here is the recipe, which sounds pretty darned easy. I'll bake some when strawberries are a tad more in season and will report back. (Can't wait! This and freshly whipped whipped cream, means summer to me!)
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I need suggestions on where to find shortcakes for strawberry shortcake, and I need them for my mother-in-laws birthday tomorrow! This was her favorite dessert when she was growing up so I would really like to do this well. Due to time constraints I will not be able to make these from scratch so would like suggestions on where to purchase them. Thanks!