Murders at a Synagogue

Thank you for the thread. 

I’ll try to contain my rage and sorrow. 

The attendees were gathered for the ceremony welcoming a baby boy into the world.  And 11 were shot to death. How can this be. 

Have just read that although cheder was due to start within a few minutes, no children were hurt. That’s one blessing, at least. 

I hope the gentleman undergoing his second operation will be alright. (Combination of reports from Guardian and BBC)

My heart hurts for my country. The hatred unleashed by our current president is horrid. It might have existed in the past, but societal norms kept its open expression sort of under wraps. Now it has been freed and given a seal of approval. This cannot be allowed to go on. I don't know how to shut down this evil conduct, but I hope our country can find a way. My sympathy to the families who lost loved ones today.

I'd like to think it is as simple as blaming Trump and his rhetoric (and that it all will improve once he is out of office) but think the bomb packages have more of a direct link to that than this tragedy does. Though not surprisingly, he immediately implicitly blamed the synagogue for not having better security and stating that gun laws aren't responsible.

As a country we have done exactly nothing after each of these tragedies.  I thought for sure we would step up when all of the kids were gunned down in Connecticut but we did nothing.  So none of this surprises me any more. The path of least resistance is to keep electing people who sell out to the NRA and keep hoping other people are the ones to get shot.  

apple44 said:
I'd like to think it is as simple as blaming Trump and his rhetoric (and that it all will improve once he is out of office) but think the bomb packages have more of a direct link to that than this tragedy does. Though not surprisingly, he immediately implicitly blamed the synagogue for not having better security and stating that gun laws aren't responsible.

Just two hours before, the suspect posted "HIAS likes to bring in invaders that kill our people. I'm going in." HIAS is a Hebrew immigration aid society that he seemed recently obsessed with. 

Trump has been saying that the caravan includes "unknown Middle Easterners," in an attempt to  link the caravan to fears about terrorism. Representative Matt Gaetz, Republican from Florida, said that Soros (Jewish) is financing the caravan. Trump has said that "a lot of money is exchanging hands." 

I’m sorry but Trumps dog whistles and rhetoric directly contribute to the impulses of angry men who live on fringe and worship this president.

I want to make sure that I stay angry. I never want to be  numb to these horrendous acts. Not blind anger that paralyzes but the anger that motivates.

If Jared and Ivanka have any influence on Trump will they speak out against the "some of them are nice people" neo Nazis that he has emboldened?

There will be two opportunities to gather tomorrow in our area.

At 6:30pm on Sunday evening, South Orange and Maplewood will come together for a interfaith community candlelight vigil in Spiotta Park.

Also, at 11:00am on Sunday morning, Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ has arranged for a meeting with Governor Murphy to speak to the Jewish community and offer his condolences to the community. This will take place at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston. There is expected to be thousands of individuals in attendance. Please leave ample time to wait in line and enter.

max_weisenfeld said:
There will be two opportunities to gather tomorrow in our area.
At 6:30pm on Sunday evening, South Orange and Maplewood will come together for a interfaith community candlelight vigil in Spiotta Park.
Also, at 11:00am on Sunday morning, Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ has arranged for a meeting with Governor Murphy to speak to the Jewish community and offer his condolences to the community. This will take place at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston. There is expected to be thousands of individuals in attendance. Please leave ample time to wait in line and enter.

 Thank you for letting us know.  I want to show my support.  

max_weisenfeld said:
There will be two opportunities to gather tomorrow in our area.
At 6:30pm on Sunday evening, South Orange and Maplewood will come together for a interfaith community candlelight vigil in Spiotta Park.
Also, at 11:00am on Sunday morning, Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ has arranged for a meeting with Governor Murphy to speak to the Jewish community and offer his condolences to the community. This will take place at Temple B’nai Abraham in Livingston. There is expected to be thousands of individuals in attendance. Please leave ample time to wait in line and enter.

 Thank you. We'll be there. My grandparents and parents were from Squirrel Hill. They belonged to Beth Shalom, which is about a mile away from Tree of Life. My wife and I lived in Squirrel Hill, not far from Tree of Life, many years ago. 

Nobody could have imagined that something like this could happen in Squirrel Hill. It's a remarkable community.

I mourn the dead

I mourn for my country that this sort of tragedy has become commonplace

I rage at the one who does nothing but "send his thoughts and prayers".........such empty platitudes........a phrase that has become obscene

Is he playing golf today?

Vigils are nice and you should attend one or both of today's events (see Max's post above for details) if you possibly can.  That said, what we all really need to do is expand our efforts to work together to become a single community where differences are embraced not attacked.

inciting hatred and rage in a country that already has a problem with guns and doing nothing to hasten gun reform equals a recipe for disaster. My heart breaks all over again. We’ll see more and more of this if we don’t do something about guns. Period.

I have to find the quote I saw yesterday but it was something like “we don’t need more prayers- we were already praying in a house of worship- we need gun reform and action”

conandrob240 said:
inciting hatred and rage in a country that already has a problem with guns and doing nothing to hasten gun reform equals a recipe for disaster. My heart breaks all over again. We’ll see more and more of this if we don’t do something about guns. Period.

we really need a president who stops inciting these people.  Unfortunately we're stuck with Trump as the inciter-in-chief for at least two more years.

I know Squirrel Hill well.  My daughter did her residency at the University of Pittsburgh.  They bought a home in the Shadyside  neighborhood.  My son in law took his MBA from the University while they were there.   Also he bought and rehabbed about four homes for sale and profit.

To get from their home to the downtown Pittsburgh.........or to the Strip,  a great shopping area, or even his realtor required going through Squirrel significant other many times said that the area reminded her so much of Maplewood, if she was ever taxed out of town,  she may want to head for Squirrel Hill.

Speaking to the same subject,  probably the wisest uncle in my family. a generation ago,  speaking of hate and prejudice ,  and he was a member of a religion,  not Jewish,  but a threat to the German

mad man to the point that they also were marched into the ovens.

He said to me, "You cannot legislate love"

So where does point A meet point B.  I think the capacity to love some one who is seen as so very different or even a threat to ones way of life is beyond some.

But tolerance is the point that most be reached.  Joan's previous point was spot on.   Gun control alone is not the only means.

From the good book  "Come let us reason together".

I’d love to give “ gun control alone” a try. I think by saying it’s not the only cause ( which of course it isn’t- there will never be just ONE cause)- it puts us in a  endless cycle of failing to take action on gun control. I’m willing to try tackling ONLY gun control just once and see where we wind up. If it doesn’t work ( or simultaneously), we can tackle the additional problems.

Sorry You Tube works or Trump

2nd attempt not successful

author said:
2nd attempt not successful

 This works but can we find something by either Bob, Judy or Joni?

I'm pretty shaken up. I suspected this sort of thing would happen eventually, and I fear it's going to get worse before it gets better.

@joan_crystal, you often have constructive ideas. What do you think are some good ways people can work together to mend our society?

If I knew the answer to that question, believe me I would share it everywhere I could.  One thing I do know is that none of us can do this alone.  We all have to make a commitment to work together to build a supportive, accepting community.  It begins with teaching our children how to live and work together by setting an example through our own behavior.  We have to develop and teach a vocabulary free of words that label others negatively or spread hate.  We need to evaluate others based on their behaviors and actions rather than their race, religion, physical abilities, age, gender, or any other divisive label.  We need expand our definition of family to include our neighbors and expand our concept of neighbors to encompass our entire planet.  

Thank you, Joan. That's lovely.

"We will drive anti-Semitism and the hate of any people back to the basement, on their computer, and away from the open discussion and dialogues around this city, around this state and around this country." 

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto 

That's a lovely (and important) sentiment, but the mayor doesn't have a strategy or resources to achieve that. The president might have some resources, but he certainly doesn't have the resolve. Perhaps change needs to come from a more local level, and not from Washington. But look at New York City and other big cities - is life really improving for most people there?

Sadly, it's all been discussed before - more access to improved mental health services, stricter gun control laws, the current White House toning down its divisive rhetoric. None of this is happening. Our current laws do not allow law enforcement officials to track social media and approach people with extreme views unless there is a credible and specific threat. At the federal level, government wants to invest in defense and anti-immigration tactics.

I'd like to think this incident will contribute to the "blue wave" which had been expected to radically change the Senate and House, but am concerned it will be more of a blue puddle. The economy is perceived to be relatively strong, and many voters choose on pocketbook issues. Trump's base seems to be energized - they believe they have been "winning" and don't want to give anything up and they'll be at the polls. And many people concerned about the direction of the country simply stay home and don't vote.

Until people say "enough" and vote out NRA supporters and demand that resources be allocated away from defense spending and into communities, healthcare (including mental health) and education, I'm not optimistic that much will change. 

I can't believe Trump is going to actually visit Pittsburgh.   I hope people block streets and he's forced to retreat.

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