Mueller Time

Nice opening by Mr. Nadler. Painful speech by Mr. Collins.

Does anyone else throw the middle finger at the TV whenever a Republican starts talking?

too many double negatives for this time of the morning.

need more coffee

Good job Nadler!

Report did not conclude lack of obstruction and did not exonerate the President. Lots of stammering by Mueller.

President refused to be interviewed for over a year.

Anyone else suffering with pains in the pit of your stomach? Mueller seems so nervous. Now lets see what the Repubs ask

If you ask me this hearing will lead to nothing. Robert Mueller takes his role very seriously and literally and I doubt he will bring any new information to light. The Administration is using its power to suppress the full information from the report from being released.

It's necessary political theatre which must happen before serious consideration of an impeachment proceeding. But I don't think it's going to uncover anything. 

Mueller: No, collusion and conspiracy are not synonymous.

Collins is argumentative and loud. Did he score a point?

Morganna said:
Mueller: No, collusion and conspiracy are not synonymous.
Collins is argumentative and loud. Did he score a point?

 Mueller messed that one up.

Mrs. Lofgren states 126 contacts between Russians and Trump campaign. Proves that you can win without screaming.

All Trump supporters favor impeachment knowing that it will work to his advantage next year.

Lots of yelling by Ratcliffe. Probably played well on FOX

tjohn said:
All Trump supporters favor impeachment knowing that it will work to his advantage next year.

 Maybe not his true believers. Apparently they want him written into the bible.  If Dems don't impeach it will be used as effectively by his campaign.  Here's the bumper sticker, No Collusion, No Impeachment.

Mr. Cohen getting a lot of affirmative responses. Sales 101.

librarylady said:
Anyone else suffering with pains in the pit of your stomach? Mueller seems so nervous. Now lets see what the Repubs ask

 I'm optimistic and literally eating a bowl of cherries.

Morganna said:

tjohn said:
All Trump supporters favor impeachment knowing that it will work to his advantage next year.
 Maybe not his true believers. Apparently they want him written into the bible.  If Dems don't impeach it will be used as effectively by his campaign.  Here's the bumper sticker, No Collusion, No Impeachment.

If the 2020 election is another referendum on Trump's character, then he'll win a 2nd term.

Meanwhile, we never hear anything about legislation the House passes only to die in the Senate because the old toad McConnell won't bring it to the floor.

Mr. Charbot going to the Steele dossier and tying it to Clinton and the Dems no matter how many times Mueller says "outside my purview." Lots of cheering and jeering from the FOX audience. Laura Ingraham taking notes for tonight's show. Hannity is home in his pajamas cheering.

tjohn said:
If the 2020 election is another referendum on Trump's character, then he'll win a 2nd term.
Meanwhile, we never hear anything about legislation the House passes only to die in the Senate because the old toad McConnell won't bring it to the floor.

 Pelosi used to give the numbers and showed a chart with headstones. I had posted a number on another thread. He loves the title the Grim Reaper, the Senate is the place where bills go to die.

Mr. Deutch:The President ordered you fired,  asked questions to prove the reason.

Mr. Mueller: I stand by my report.

Good questioning.

I’d love to here what our resident Mueller basher says about this. 

When asked how many of the 500 interviews Mueller attended he answered very few. That surprised me.

Trump told McGahn to deny reports that he was asked to fire Mueller. Anyone at FOX listening?

Nice work Ms. Bass.

Morganna said:
When asked how many of the 500 interviews Mueller attended he answered very few. That surprised me.

He had a top notch team of investigators, by all accounts I read or heard. 

Morganna said:
I hate Gohmert.

 He put this 50 page anti-Mueller rant into the record.

Someone will probably post some of the nonsense in that here eventually. 

mrincredible said:
He had a top notch team of investigators, by all accounts I read or heard. 

 I just thought his dour presence would have scared the truth out of those on the hot seat. I would have given up state secrets, even if I had to invent them. Even if he just sat in the background jotting down my words. Of course I would fold if you took away my Mr. Coffee.

Jordan and Gaetz are some nasty Republicans.

Imagine being  awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star and having to listen to this tripe.

but here comes one of my favorites, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries.

That Gaetz guy was especially sleazy, probably why they gave him one of the sleaziest claims to push. 

Jeffries started out so strong but didn't he lose by getting a closing contradiction from Mueller?

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