Maplewood Garden Club's Monthly Speaker's Program: “Growing Great Garlic”

Ancient Egyptians swore oaths on heads of garlic, early Olympic athletes consumed copious quantities of it, and WW I soldiers used it as an antibiotic. Now, however, garlic is a star ingredient in just about every culture’s cuisine. So why not grow your own?

Join the Maplewood Garden Club on Monday, October 4, at 7:30 when Lesley Parness presents “Growing Great Garlic.” She will cover soil preparation; foolproof planting instructions; winter, spring, and summer care; important garlic harvest tips; curing; and storage. She will also discuss the various kinds of garlic and which are best for your cooking style. A list of garlic vendors will be provided along with information on great cultivars to grow. Lesley’s presentation will follow a brief business meeting and conclude with a live Q&A session.

Lesley Parness is a member of the Herb Society of America; the Council on Horticultural and Botanical Libraries; and Garden State Gardens, a consortium of New Jersey’s public gardens, of which Leslie is a founding member and past president. Her column, “The Garden Historian,” is featured bi-monthly in Gardener News magazine.

For meeting details, please go to MGC’s website, And visit to learn more about Lesley.

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