Looks like new CVS is open?

Has anyone been in the new CVS? Driving by it looks like it is open.

it's open. hardly anyone in it, only one person in line ahead of me, but had to wait on line too long because only one cashier and person was filling out their application for a CVS card. The store is incredibly generic (no surprise, i guess). Give me the South Orange pharmacy any day except for one I need paper cups at the last minute for a class party.

OOO so glad, now I don't have to go to the one in Millburn which is always crowed and no parking.

Sounds like a "soft opening" (?)

So we went last Saturday night (they opened Thursday. No one there but us . Went to the one cashier, she rang up my one item. Gave her a $20 bill, she entered it and the cash drawer opened. At that point I found a $10 and asked for the twenty back ($4.25 item). She couldn't figure out how to make change. She voided the whole transaction, couldn't figure out how to undo it and as I sat there with my ice cream melting she called over another employee who also couldn't figure out how to make change for a $10 instead of a $20. Very nice and polite but GRRRRRR. I walked out without the melted icecream LOL

Yikes...sounds like they need some help.

LL_ that's such a shame that the cashier and her cow-orker were so innumerate.

Sometimes a cashier who is new to a machine can't undo the tender entry and they are usually instructed not to alter the transaction such as by tender of a different amount. Also new cashiers are warned to be wary of "change artists" who confuse the transaction to walk away with the purchased item and more money than they tendered. The start of the "change artist" routine is to suddenly find another bill that the "artist" wants to tender instead of the original bill. As a teenager I worked a high volume cash register and usually had 2-3 artists a month. The would make faces, keep correcting me, chide me and generally try to embarrass me into giving them want they want. I would just explain that I was really bad at math, give then the original bill back and then start the transaction over. The proof that I was dealing with an artist was that they then stormed out of the store without the purchase saying what a moron I was!

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