Looking for Woodruff

We were hoping to find some at the end of the season in the greenhouses, but haven't any luck.

Anyone have an overabundance that we could harvest from?

You are welcome to some of our woodruff.  Do you intend to replant it or harvest it?  

jamie said:

We were hoping to find some at the end of the season in the greenhouses, but haven't any luck.

Any have an overabundance that we could harvest from?


I saw some at The Farm at Green Village 2 weeks ago. You might want to give them a call

Sweetsnuggles said:

You are welcome to some of our woodruff.  Do you intend to replant it or harvest it?  

jamie said:

We were hoping to find some at the end of the season in the greenhouses, but haven't any luck.

Any have an overabundance that we could harvest from?

 I meant replant.  Thanks, I'll pm you.

sheiladonnelly said:

I saw some at The Farm at Green Village 2 weeks ago. You might want to give them a call

 That was the first place I called - they said they were out.  Sounds like we just missed it.  Or the person on the phone didn't have the latest info.

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