Live Princess Bride reunion

It's on right now.

You need to make a political contribution to jump on.

How was it?  I wonder if it will be posted somewhere - here's some highlights:

Here's a little clip:

It was flawed with technical issues.  Some of the video feeds were of horrible quality (really Patton Oswalt, you can't pay for the top tier broadband for your house?). Lots of audio/video mismatch.

I absolutely loved it. Half the fun was watching Robin Wright try not to crack up. Half the fun was watching the cast members relishing saying those classic lines (Mandy Patinkin has the sword!). And half the fun was the Q&A afterward.

There’s a similar Wisdems fundraiser tonight featuring the Parks and Rec cast. Looking forward to it!

Unfortunately I can't get on that one doe to a conflict. 

You missed nothing. Unless it picked up a lot after I quit on it, it was a dud, sadly. Still money well donated.

zucca said:

You missed nothing. Unless it picked up a lot after I quit on it, it was a dud, sadly. Still money well donated.

 Thanks for that painful thought. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it!?!  question

mrincredible said:

 Thanks for that painful thought. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it!?! 

Haha, yep!

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