Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth

I really recommend this series on Netflix.  I've seen and heard many quotes by Campbell over the last many years (mainly because of my interest in Buddhism and spirituality).  The Netflix series compiles six interviews with Campbell done by Bill Moyers for PBS, taped in the year or two before Campbell's unexpected death from complications of esophageal cancer treatment (heart attack from radiation treatments in 1988).

The breadth and depth of Campbell's knowledge of and genius insights about our beliefs about the universe, evolved from the very moment humanity emerged in our ancient ancestors, is not to be missed.  This is a conversation with Moyers, a deeply spiritual man, who is obviously probing Campbell for answers to his own deep insights about the connection of the human species to an energy that penetrates to the source of our being. 

Each episode is prefaced by Bill Moyers of now - to provide context.  I really can't recommend this series strongly enough.

angelak said:
I really recommend this series on Netflix.  I've seen and heard many quotes by Campbell over the last many years (mainly because of my interest in Buddhism and spirituality).  The Netflix series compiles six interviews with Campbell done by Bill Moyers for PBS, taped in the year or two before Campbell's unexpected death from complications of esophageal cancer treatment (heart attack from radiation treatments in 1988).
The breadth and depth of Campbell's knowledge of and genius insights about our beliefs about the universe, evolved from the very moment humanity emerged in our ancient ancestors, is not to be missed.  This is a conversation with Moyers, a deeply spiritual man, who is obviously probing Campbell for answers to his own deep insights about the connection of the human species to an energy that penetrates to the source of our being. 
Each episode is prefaced by Bill Moyers of now - to provide context.  I really can't recommend this series strongly enough

Threads like this raise MOL to a higher level.

Thanks, that's a nice thing to say.  The series really is remarkable, as was Campbell, as is Moyers.

Saw it in the 90s - great to know it's on Netflix.

Actually met Moyers while he was editing something at the post house I worked at and talked to him about the book. He mentioned the series and told me to go to the station to pick up a copy of it on VHS. For free. Loved it. Can't wait to rewatch it!

Thanks to this goofy youtube sketch show my nephews first learned about Campbell's theory of the hero's journey.  It led to one of them taking a course on Campbell in college.  I apologize if this lowers the level of discourse . . . 

That video was great, EBennett.  Thanks!  I recently came across a podcast that describes several movies in detail as they relate to the hero's journey.  Apparently, George Lucas has mentioned that he wouldn't have finished Star Wars if he'd not found The Hero With a Thousand Faces.  The series with Moyers was actually filmed at Skywalker Ranch.  Also, a memo based on the same book was circulated at Disney and resulted in a slew of hits.  Pretty interesting.

This is the podcast if anyone is interested. It's well done:

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