Interest in Summer Exchange? Know someone who is?

I have a 7th grader is doing an exchange to Graz, Austria this summer with the local chapter of CISV ( It is a small delegation of 4 boys and two girls from NJ and NY. The group is looking for a 6th or 7th grade girl to fill an open spot. The program runs for 5 week with 2 ½ here (hosting an Austrian child) and 2 ½ weeks there (staying with same Austrian partner). I have learned quite a bit about the program in the past months, and it is a well-run, global organization with 50 years experience, and the kids seem to have amazing experiences. While it is a bit late for many to make summer plans, if you know anyone who might be interested – and can be from anywhere in the NY area - please have them reach out to me. Program runs from roughly 7/12-8/16. TIA.

I have just shared this with SOMA area Girl Scout leaders who have middle schoolers in their troops so hopefully that will get the word out to a lot of families who might be interested.

ETA - I think that my own daughters would have loved something like this when they were that age!

And financial aid is available.

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