How to Format Computer

My old laptop has been wonky for some time. Replaced with a new one, but would not like to re-format and start over. However, have just spent about 2 hours trying to figure out how to do that.

It was last running Windows 8, but was originally an XP upated to Windows 7, then to Windows 8. I have the Windows 7 disk and booted from there, but received an error message that it shut down so as not to cause damage.

I then tried going to a command prompt and running fdisk, but it wouldn't accept any command that I typed in.

Any advice is appreciated. Thx.

So you backed up your important files? Or you don't need them? And you want to do a clean installation of the operating system? Which version of Windows do you want, and what made you choose that version? Do you know roughly how old the system is?


Yes, I have all my files, I just need to start over, since this has been nothing but a problem for some time. It currently is running Windows 8, which I downloaded from the web, so no disk for that. I do have a disk for XP and also for Vista, but neither of those seem to work because I keep getting a message that the operating system installed is newer. Computer is about 3-4 years old, not going to use it as a primary one, but would like to have as a reliable backup.


What version of Windows do you want? What software will you run on it?


Would like to get it to Windows8, if possible. As for what will I do with it, email, web, spreadsheet, word docs, etc, that's about it, nothing heavy duty.

I've formatted drives before, but never ran into this obstacle. Thx.

This may sound silly, but maybe you should consider Ubuntu Linux. It's different and distinct from Windows, but it's very reliable, and it's faster. It's easier to load than Windows, too. It's free, so you don't need a license key. Just grab a free download and burn it to a DVD. Put the DVD in your old machine and boot from DVD.

I could consider that, however until I can format the damn thing, can't install anything

You need to delete the existing hard drive partition and then Windows will create a new one. To do that you need to go to the Drive Options under a Custom installation. Fdisk doesn't exist anymore.

These instrucitons look about right from what I remember:

thx, i'll give it a try when i have time.

You don't have to do what qrysdonnell says if you're installing Linux. It will ask if you want to replace Windows or install Linux on the side. Choose the former.

Tom, I'm afraid this computer needs a do over. It continues to just shut down on its own, so I don't think installing another operating system without first getting rid of what ails it, is the first solution. Thx as usual.

If it's a hardware problem, your best bet is probably to discard the computer. Old computers are often not worth fixing unless they were expensive.

The Ubuntu Linux installation will re-format the drive.

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