House Painter Recommendation

Any recommendations for a house painter (interior)? Thanks

The usual suspects:

Rutgers Painting (
Wilbers Painting (
Olger Fallas (
World Of Colors (haven't seen them around in a while)

If it's not a big job, maybe a handy man might be cheaper option.

From another thread:



Wilbers did our interior in 2019.  They weren't the cheapest but those dudes are craftsmen.  The result was stunning!

Fallas Painting Group (new name for Olger Fallas) (973.762.6700) recently did a great exterior paint job for us and interior job several years ago for a neighbor.

Olger Fallas did a fine job on our exterior a few years ago.

I will say that it is crucial to set expectations.

Watching from afar, it seems that most Rutgers jobs include a complete removal of old paint. I thought that was the local standard.

We had re-sided, removed the gutters, and I assumed that the facia (which were not replaced) would be scraped and sanded to bare wood, like Rutgers seems to do, at a price.

O-F did not make that assumption. Which we discussed and met in the middle.

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