Home Depot Coupons?

We almost spent like $2,000 over last 3 months and still spending. Apparently they do not offer any coupons. Someone told me to go to PRO desk and ask them for best price for group of items at once, that didn't work either, they need you to show contractor license.

I tried getting them to accept Lowe's 10% off coupons, almost every HD store declined it. Only worked in Paramus Store once.

I see some people selling 10% off Home Depot coupons for about $20 on eBay - are they genuine?

If you have their credit card you can get some coupons, but they are limited.

HD used to honor authentic Lowes coupons (card stock, bar codes) but apparently they don't anymore. There are no more authentic HD coupons, excepting as FilmCarp notes. I used many Lowes coupons at HD over the years, saving literally thousands of dollars. But with no more coupons and with the absurd increases in HD prices I find the econs of Home Improvement have changed dramatically. I've made my last 3 purchases of building materials from builder's supply and lumber yards.

If you sign up for the Home Depot garden club emails you get coupons.. Sometimes they have tools and other stuff in addition to plants and items for the yard.

This is going to sound crazy but it works - visit cardpool.com or cardcash.com and buy home depot gift cards. They sometimes run specials where the discount exceeds 10%... then you simply buy your items that way.

I saved over $100 on a few windows by doing this. You need to use the cards within 30 or 60 days (whatever the company's guarantee states) but I've bought a ton of these cards and we've only had one problem (card invalid)... which the company quickly resolved for us.

If you are a member of the military or retired vet you can get 10% off from every purchase but you have to show the military or vet ID. 

pmartinezv said:

If you are a member of the military or retired vet you can get 10% off from every purchase but you have to show the military or vet ID. 

Did not know this. Will take my DD214 next time I shop there and give it a try. 



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