High Gear Cyclery closed?

Did High Gear Cyclery close/move? The store looks empty when I rode by. Phone calls go over to voicemail. I don't see any information on their website either.

I get their emails-still open in the stirling location

Stirling is also closed now.  I grew up in Long Hill and lurk on the Long Hill FB page.  The story is that the owner sold the business, and a Trek Store will be opening in it's place soon.  Not sure if that applies to just the Stirling store or also to the Millburn store.

The Millburn location has a "for rent" sign so I'm not optimistic.

Oddly, though, when I walked by recently, the building still looked to be filled with bikes. After seeing this thread, I was hoping they weren't repairs waiting for pickup by owners who would no longer be able to retrieve them. 

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