Help! I just snapped my black cherry tomato plant!

Can I do anything to save it?

I have done that too, more often than I like to recall. I don't know of any first aid steps you can take, but don't give up hope -- I've found that plants often make it even after sustaining such an injury. Good luck.

if it's not snapped all the way through, you could tape it together and hope.  It has worked for me.  Even if snapped clear through, it **may** come back from the root.  Or, so early in the year, you could plant a new one.

Thanks. It was hanging by a thread, so I used some florist's tape to hold it together and planted it. All the leaves are hopelessly droopy, but I figured it couldn't hurt to try. We shall see.

If anyone has any spare black cherry tomato plants, I'd take one. I recall that I did this last year to one of my tomato plants and it didn't turn out well. : - (

I would bury the snap area and keep it moist. Then see what happens. also, trim it back (fairly hard) and see if new sprouts emerge. Worth a try. 

Thanks, happyheart, just seeing this now, as the new forum doesn't yet seem to alert you that there are new posts on your threads.

I did notice new sprouts at the bottom of the plant, so I'll cut back the dead part at the top and hope for the best.

Agreed with HH..I hope and suspect that burying the stem section that had snapped will renew the growth .

Do hope it works as its a great tomato. 

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