Help deciphering signature?

Inspired by Spontaneous’ gravestone inquiry, I submit to the MOL community a woman’s signature on two antique photos. They are family heirlooms, but not my family, and in both, she appears somewhat theatrical, so I was thinking maybe an actress or circus performer. I have googled every “translation” I can come up with, though, and have found zilch so far. All suggestions welcome!

Looks like Nellie Butler to me. The Es are a strange form but consistent in both first & last names.

I googled the name, apparently America's first ghost. Predates your piece by over 100 years though. But evidently there was a British stage actress by that name from around the right time.

Nellie Butler photo on a cigarette box ... I swear the same shoes that appear in your photo, maybe a piece of the cape? and I can see why you would think "circus."

Thank you so much! I had looked at this at least 50 times. Would never have read “Butler.” Very much appreciate the time and effort of those who responded. Love my MOL. 

It's a fun diversion to go look things up ... I tried on the gravestone too but that was considerably harder to decipher.

That gravestone is impossible, I’m afraid. If she can’t tell in person, seems like it’s not going to happen. Cleaning the stone might help - but I’m sure there are rules about that!

Nellie Butler was a pretty busy Broadway actress between 1899 and 1910:

I had not come across that Broadway info - never even thought to look. Thank you! I’m thinking the proper forever home for these two photos might be the New-York Historical Society. I would love to know the story  behind how they came to be housed with the family papers they were in with, but I think that tale will never be learned...

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