Happy birthday, Charlotte Bronte!

joanne the illustrations are wonderful. Had to share one of my favorite movie scenes.



I fell in love with the book aged 9 years, and the first, classic movie shortly after. (Weren't  the old Saturday TV movie afternoons wonderful???) seen nearly every version since, I think I've missed the most recent. 

Did you read that they've just discovered a new manuscript book by Charlotte???

I haven't heard of the newly discovered manuscript. What's the deal???

I am sad to say I don't think anyone has ever made a really good movie of Jane Eyre. They all come off so Gothic and weird, and that has never been all the book had to say. 

joanne said:

 <img src=" src="/res/static/common/plugins/redactor/emoticons/1.0/images/5.gif" unselectable="on"> 

I fell in love with the book aged 9 years, and the first, classic movie shortly after. (Weren't  the old Saturday TV movie afternoons wonderful???) seen nearly every version since, I think I've missed the most recent. 

Did you read that they've just discovered a new manuscript book by Charlotte???


I love old black and white films.

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