It is being reworked and will return, but it is a good sized project.
And you can subscribe to various department calendars on your phone if you want to. The DPW calendar has the cleanup info.
Spring clean-up is April 3 - May 15
Thanks for the heads up. I didn't notice that it was discontinued. I do rely on those pull outs but will check the website. Once I fire up my computer it seems to lead me to MOL or FB.
Has this newsletter been discontinued? SO website has no recent issues.
This was one of the main ways of learning about spring clean-up and recycling updates.
I am a gardener and I was looking for the dates when we can put brown bags and tied up debris at the curb for pickup. (It starts tomorrow and goes to May 15. I know because I went searching the SO website). I am the only one on my block with debris on the curb.
The Gaslight newsletter provided a great service which might be gone...