Garbage/recycling collection

Hi, we're new to town and tying to figure out how garbage/recycling collection works-  this is what I think I've figured out so far-

Recycling is handled by the town and is picked up every Monday.  Do you need a special bin, or will any container do?

Garbage pick-up is by private contractors and there are a few different companies- can anyone recommend a company and give me an idea what to expect in terms of rates?

Thanks so much!


ok, first off it depends on which town.  This board covers several, even though it is called Mol.  

Assuming you mean Maplewood, you put out all recyclables except plastic bags every Monday (Sunday night, really) in any containers that are not huge (have mercy on the guys who have to lift them).  Garbage, choice of two contractors, Waste Management and Waste Industries, who pick up twice a week from behind your house. One or two can plans available.

We pay about $90 a quarter for 2 cans once a week, garbage wise. That's Waste Management, and we're probably being overcharged. Where you live determines when your garbage is picked up. The town is split into zones, and each zone has a day. Ours is Friday.

You can out your recycling out in anything, but preferably something covered which weighs enough for your recycling not to end up blown halfway down the street. 

(For Maplewood, which I think is where you are given your comment about Monday weekly recycling pickup)

You can actually opt for either once a week or twice a week garbage pickup, either one can or two cans per pickup.  We have once a week/one can pickup with Waste Industries (although it seems like they sometimes come on both days ... I've never completely figured that out.  As "empty nesters" we just don't have that much garbage, so I only put it out about once a week or less often.)  At the time we enrolled, they said that if occasionally we had a second can (like after a party or something), that would be OK.  I think that either company is fine and both are better for the competition, so I recommend that you call both and find out their rates and go with the company and option that best fits your needs and budget.  In either case, it is "rear yard" pickup (by town ordinance) so you don't have to drag your can(s) to the curb.  Many of us don't put our garbage out in the can until the pickup day, though, since sometimes the local wildlife try to get into it.  (Depends on how well your can lids seal and/or if you have an enclosure of some sort for it.)

ridski said:

We pay about $90 a quarter for 2 cans once a week, garbage wise. That's Waste Management, and we're probably being overcharged. Where you live determines when your garbage is picked up. The town is split into zones, and each zone has a day. Ours is Friday.

You can out your recycling out in anything, but preferably something covered which weighs enough for your recycling not to end up blown halfway down the street. 

 We used to pay $120 a quarter for two cans once a week, but with recycling we didn't need that much.  We downgraded to once can twice a week and now pay $81 a quarter.

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