From God on Facebook...

I know some here already follow God.

So then who decides what is "right"? Isn't that entirely subjective?

mrincredible said:
So then who decides what is "right"? Isn't that entirely subjective?

I do. And yes. Just like people trying to interpret books from thousands of years ago written in dead languages and translated during times when sheep's bladders were used to predict earthquakes.

Some religions are better than others. I recall the story of Chief Red Jacket. I believe his tribe was in Connecticut. He became tired of visits by missionaries, each claiming that their version of god was better than the last man's.

Red Jacket told one such visitor that he was pleased to hear the man's story and that he would observe the behavior of the preacher's flock. If they behaved towards the Red Man in a way that was honorable, then that man's version of god would be judged as truthful and Red Jacket would be pleased to join his flock.

Compare that with a story in today's Ledger. A Somerville pastor is accused of having himself tied up and calling police to report that three Muslims invaded his church, tied him up and stomped on the Bible. I guess the pastor is observing the behavior of Muslims towards Christians....

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