Facebook mysteries

Hi all - I haven't looked at Facebook in a while (months). Recently (for a week or so?), I have been receiving fb messages in my email for apparently *everything* that friends and Liked pages have posted. Did something change on fb to start this torrent? Can I fix it?

To add to the joy, this evening I have been trying to pull up fb in order to adjust settings to avoid some of this email, and it hasn't really opened, just shows the first couple of items in my news feed, with an endless "Connecting," and no ability to log off (though I didn't log on....). soooooooo slooooooow

Anyone else having issues like this? Advice?



I'm not sure about the second issue, but to the first, yes, you can definitely adjust your notification settings

Ap or full program? Mobile device?

This happened to me when I upgraded to OS9. I fixed the settings and haven't had a problem since.

Not sure, but I think if you turn off your "notifications" in the settings area it will stop.

You can also unsubscribe from different types of notifications using the links in the small print at the bottom of the emails you receive.

How did you try to access FB? Via smartphone, desktop, laptop, iPad... wirelessly or wired? that could make a difference. I have a much easier time with it when using my laptop than the iPad or iPhone.

Thanks all! This is all happening on a laptop, in Firefox. Last night, gradually, it got up to speed, so I am now able to log in/out, post, read, etc. grin

Next step will be unsubscribing somehow (thanks, qrysd). I don't mind getting email when an actual friend/relative posts, but really don't need a separate email for every post on every NPR show I'm linked to. long face

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