Fabulous dog for adoption

We are moving in ten days to a place that does not allow animals. Our most wonderful six year old dog Luna, a pointer, needs a new home (*sobs*). She is the best behaved dog...rarely barks and is beyond loving. She gets along with cats and absolutely loves children. We will include ALL of her things, including crate, food, bowls, leashes, etc.

I know you're trying to be nice, but I think you should charge. Do you want your dog living with someone who's trolling the internet for a free dog? You can always donate the money to the ASPCA.

Not to complicate even more but charging will not keep a troll from taking the dog and using it as bait for a fighting pit bull. Please rethink about your post if you really care about the dog. MOL is not only SOMA.

You do have a good point, Rob. I hate the whole idea of selling animals, but what you said is making me think twice about the free thing. Thanks for the advice.

RobB said:
I know you're trying to be nice, but I think you should charge. Do you want your dog living with someone who's trolling the internet for a free dog? You can always donate the money to the ASPCA.

Hmmm...ok, getting a bit nervous now about posting my beloved animal here.Any advice?

fabulouswalls said:
Not to complicate even more but charging will not keep a troll from taking the dog and using it as bait for a fighting pit bull. Please rethink about your post if you really care about the dog. MOL is not only SOMA.


BTW. That's a very good looking dog.

One thing you can do is trust the community here...if you get a request from a poster, you could reach out (perhaps by private message) to some of the most active participants here to see if the requestor passes the "smell test" of at least being an ongoing member of the online community.

For example, my family is actively looking to adopt this summer (but probably not in the next 10 days, as my husband isn't available to meet a dog this week), so posting here could find possible solutions. Of course, you still need to check them out.

fabulouswalls said:
Please rethink about your post if you really care about the dog. MOL is not only SOMA.

The MOL For Sale pages are frequented by out-of-owners looking for bargains, and I don't like seeing pets posted there. Here on the forums, I think there's a more trustworthy readership. I'd be really surprised to find dog-fighters hanging out here.

Awww...thank you. She really is a beauty

Another possibility is St. Hubert's in Madison, NJ:


Though finding a good home for her before you go would be the best thing, of course.

kthnry said:

The MOL For Sale pages are frequented by out-of-owners looking for bargains, and I don't like seeing pets posted there. Here on the forums, I think there's a more trustworthy readership. I'd be really surprised to find dog-fighters hanging out here.

You might be correct but I don't think this is the right venue for giving away a dog.

susan1014 said:
One thing you can do is trust the community here...if you get a request from a poster, you could reach out (perhaps by private message) to some of the most active participants here to see if the requestor passes the "smell test" of at least being an ongoing member of the online community.
For example, my family is actively looking to adopt this summer (but probably not in the next 10 days, as my husband isn't available to meet a dog this week), so posting here could find possible solutions. Of course, you still need to check them out.

This is an excellent suggestion!

You can also ask anyone who applies for references. The best thing would be if it's a regular poster here who has a reputation already established. She's beautiful and sounds like a wonderful dog.

Isn't there a thread somewhere recently from a family looking for a dog? It sounds like it might be a perfect fit

Yes, there is, and the connection has been made. Apparently, the family seeking a dog is going to meet with Luna and see if it's a good fit. Fingers crossed (and paws!)!

I was actually thinking about my brother and his wife, who recently lost their sweet old dog, whom they had adopted long-distance about 10 years ago. (Guinness came from a puppy mill in the South, had an abusive puppyhood, and was adopted through a rescue organization in Tennessee, IIRC.) But I think it is too soon for them to think about it. The wound is too new.

However, if Luna is still available and the meeting with Mauras' family doesn't have good results, I could ask him. Let me know. She sounds like a gem.

Lymiegirl, where is Luna for now? I know you had to move, so is she somewhere safe and kind?

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