Chris Christie for AG?

Well, at this point it wouldn't surprise me if Christie gets nominated and then confirmed by a Senate that's afraid to stand up to Trump. Even if all this comes out at confirmation hearings. 

He might try to pull a Kavanaugh at the hearing.  We know that he loves to yell at people.

a vindictive bully as AG? What could possibly go wrong?

ml1 said:
a vindictive bully as AG? What could possibly go wrong?

 ---might not be a bad idea, after all. He could wait for the Muller report, then prosecute Kushner for mucking up his first crack at being A.G.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

ml1 said:
a vindictive bully as AG? What could possibly go wrong?
 ---might not be a bad idea, after all. He could wait for the Muller report, then prosecute Kushner for mucking up his first crack at being A.G.

For all of us suffering on NJT because of him, please no

nohero said:
He might try to pull a Kavanaugh at the hearing.  We know that he loves to yell at people.

 Seriously? If you had had a sterling professional life, were the married father of two young girls, and had been nominated to the highest court in the country, and an uncorroborated 36 year old sexual assault allegation was made, you would not have raised your voice in your own defense? Wow!

Your teenage calendar diary became news, your beer consumption as a 17 year old was fodder for proof that you were a monster and unfit to continue your career as a justice. You were professionally shredded!

And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 


mtierney said:

And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice?  

There are better ways to demonstrate one's leadership abilities and insightfulness than to loudly make counter-accusals, no? 

sprout said:

mtierney said:
And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice?  
There are better ways to demonstrate one's leadership abilities and insightfulness than to loudly make counter-accusals, no? 

 Not if you're trying to impress a President who watches TV all day in the White House, and was going to decide whether to keep supporting your nomination based on how you look on TV and what Hannity and "Fox and Friends" say about it.

mtierney said:

nohero said:
He might try to pull a Kavanaugh at the hearing.  We know that he loves to yell at people.
 Seriously? If you had had a sterling professional life, were the married father of two young girls, and had been nominated to the highest court in the country, and an uncorroborated 36 year old sexual assault allegation was made, you would not have raised your voice in your own defense? Wow!
Your teenage calendar diary became news, your beer consumption as a 17 year old was fodder for proof that you were a monster and unfit to continue your career as a justice. You were professionally shredded!
And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 

Still hating women, I see.  You do understand, don't you, that the misconduct of which Kavanaugh was accused is not particularly unusual for teenage boys and college men.  I don't know if the incidence is 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 or 1 in 500, but it certainly isn't uncommon.

My impression of Kavanaugh is that he doth protest a bit too much.

Of course, you blame the girls for not staying home cooking and knitting.

mtierney said:

nohero said:
He might try to pull a Kavanaugh at the hearing.  We know that he loves to yell at people.
 Seriously? If you had had a sterling professional life, were the married father of two young girls, and had been nominated to the highest court in the country, and an uncorroborated 36 year old sexual assault allegation was made, you would not have raised your voice in your own defense? Wow!
Your teenage calendar diary became news, your beer consumption as a 17 year old was fodder for proof that you were a monster and unfit to continue your career as a justice. You were professionally shredded!
And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 

I wouldn't have lied my face off in my own defense the way Kavanaugh did.  You know what kind of men lie and lie and lie in their own defense?  Guilty men.

tjohn said:

mtierney said:

nohero said:
He might try to pull a Kavanaugh at the hearing.  We know that he loves to yell at people.
 Seriously? If you had had a sterling professional life, were the married father of two young girls, and had been nominated to the highest court in the country, and an uncorroborated 36 year old sexual assault allegation was made, you would not have raised your voice in your own defense? Wow!
Your teenage calendar diary became news, your beer consumption as a 17 year old was fodder for proof that you were a monster and unfit to continue your career as a justice. You were professionally shredded!
And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 
Still hating women, I see.  You do understand, don't you, that the misconduct of which Kavanaugh was accused is not particularly unusual for teenage boys and college men.  I don't know if the incidence is 1 in 10 or 1 in 100 or 1 in 500, but it certainly isn't uncommon.
My impression of Kavanaugh is that he doth protest a bit too much.
Of course, you blame the girls for not staying home cooking and knitting.


Work with me a minute here so that I can better understand your thinking.  Are we to presume Kavanaugh likely engaged in sexual assault approximately 36 years ago because it is/was common for teenage boys and college men to engage in sexual assault (with a 10% unsubstantiated figure, AKA 1 in 10, thrown out there by tjohn).

It appears that you are attempting to presume guilt/responsibility upon Kavanaugh based upon statistics rather than verifiable evidence.  Please let me know whether I am understanding you correctly.

If one believes oneself accused falsely, then how should the victim of false accusation protest?

Strongly, moderately, weakly, not-at all. I do not believe that the following quote is applicable in this instance:  "he doth protest a bit too much."


1.  I found Christine Blasey Ford to be credible.

2.  Kavanaugh was untruthful about what he did in high school.

The fact that the behavior is not particularly unusual is really an aside in many ways and more to offset Mtierney who, in her heart, blames girls for putting themselves at risk.

tjohn said:
1.  I found Christine Blasey Ford to be credible.
2.  Kavanaugh was untruthful about what he did in high school.
The fact that the behavior is not particularly unusual is really an aside in many ways and more to offset Mtierney who, in her heart, blames girls for putting themselves at risk.

 OK got it (your prior post did not mention CBF's testimony hence my confusion).

RealityForAll said:

If one believes oneself accused falsely, then how should the victim of false accusation protest?

Strongly, moderately, weakly, not-at all. I do not believe that the following quote is applicable in this incidence:  "he doth protest a bit too much."

 You protest by being truthful, first of all.  Then, if you've prepared for this for over a week, you don't read a prepared statement containing over-the-top and partisan accusations.

I thought this thread was about Christie?  

I think  Christie would be a disaster because he is too partisan, he has no morals/ethics and he is afraid to stand up to Trump.

one more word before returning to Christie?

mtierney says: "You were professionally shredded!"   Really?  By being confirmed to the Supreme Court for crying out loud?

sticking with Kavaugh for a bit, no comment about the other women who came forward, proved to have lied,  out to make a buck, now being sued? Actually, I believe the wannabes and their lawyers hurt Dr. Ford’s allegation, rather than enhance it. Dr. Ford appeared to be on shaky ground in her lack of recollection of her experience in so many key areas. 

Back to the thread’s topic. Christie is tough enough for the job, but he may be too fat. How could the press avoid the fat jokes? SNL could do orange hair skits, but I don’t know if they could get away with being cruel about weight. Not PC at all. But, then again, I may be wrong, since civility is missing these days.

I have no reason to doubt Ford's allegations. Maybe some of the details are murky but the overall allegation rings true.  Kavanaugh clearly lied a number of times under oath and not just about his actions in high school or college.  He also lied about specific actions under Bush. Why did the White House withhold thousands of documents? Clearly something was being hidden. There was a case to not approve him before the sexual assault allegations become public.

As for Christie, he would just do whatever Trump asked. He has no spine when it comes to Trump, that's what makes Christie so dangerous for this role.

He is a man of great dignity.

mtierney said:
sticking with Kavaugh for a bit, no comment about the other women who came forward, proved to have lied,  out to make a buck, now being sued? Actually, I believe the wannabes and their lawyers hurt Dr. Ford’s allegation, rather than enhance it.

Dr. Ford appeared to be on shaky ground in her lack of recollection of her experience in so many key areas.

 You continue to hate women, especially victims of assault.  I have no reason to doubt experts in the field of emotional trauma who say it is not unusual for a victim to not remember a lot of peripheral information.

mikescott said:
I thought this thread was about Christie?  

 That was my intention.

mtierney said:

Back to the thread’s topic. Christie is tough enough for the job, but he may be too fat. How could the press avoid the fat jokes? 

They managed it during his 8 years as Governor and during his run for President. Even Trump didn't make fun of him for being fat.

mtierney said:
sticking with Kavaugh for a bit, no comment about the other women who came forward, proved to have lied,  out to make a buck, now being sued? Actually, I believe the wannabes and their lawyers hurt Dr. Ford’s allegation, rather than enhance it. Dr. Ford appeared to be on shaky ground in her lack of recollection of her experience in so many key areas. 

To my knowledge there were two people who recanted stories they told about Kavanaugh.  It was a Jane Doe who sent a letter to Kamala Harris making accusations against Kavanaugh.  It's not even clear that the woman who recanted was actually the Jane Doe who made the accusation.  Another was a man who accused Kavanaugh of assaulting a friend of his. Almost no one had even heard of those accusations at the time of the confirmation hearing.

Who else are you saying was "proved to have lied"?  And to my knowledge not a single one of the accusers was "out to make a buck."

To this day, both Ford and Ramirez's accusations have not been refuted.  And many of their contemporaries believe them.  There is no evidence that either of them was lying.

Trump tweets about “vicious” Kavanaugh accuser who lied. It’s not one of the ones you’ve heard of.

You are clearly cherry picking your information.  The two accusers who were thought to have credible stories are still to this day very credible.


Christie lied about Bridgegate  -- Kavanaugh lied about attacking Females, and Trump lies about everything.  

there is a pattern among all of Trumps picks  -- the ability to lie is the most important trait he looks for in a person.

mtierney said:

And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 

 Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear poop in the woods? Does Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh like beer?

ridski said:

mtierney said:

And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 
 Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear poop in the woods? Does Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh like beer?

 Go ahead, ignore the most important question: Does the Pope poop in the woods?

Formerlyjerseyjack said:

ridski said:

mtierney said:

And you think Judge Kavanaugh did not have reason to raise his voice? 
 Is the Pope Catholic? Does a bear poop in the woods? Does Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh like beer?
 Go ahead, ignore the most important question: Does the Pope poop in the woods?

Is it okay to yell movie in a crowded firehouse?  (Credit: Steve Martin)

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