Carb-free/low GI Seder recipes???

I’m pulling out my (new) hair. Hubby has been ordered to refuse ALL carbs or else his drivers licence won’t be renewed on medical grounds  ohh  He has to get his BGL under control!

So, Seder and Pesach are real challenges. What do we do about matzah? Can I make a version from cauliflower rice? What else can I make that’s different to our usual food, that will be interesting and filling and doesn’t depend on garlic for flavour, or a ton of sugar or flour or potatoes??


Joanne, that is a tough one. No idea what to do about the matzah.

For food:  We make a vegetarian version of my grandmother's eier mit tsibele (egg with onion), which also included chopped liver.  I think we now make it with egg and avocado, and... hmmm, I think we also mash in some potatoes (mashed or mashed and fried).  But maybe it would work with just the egg and avocado (and onions if you like them)?

No potatoes, but we’re drowning in avos here (meant to be Autumn but it feels like Summer); we also have an abundance of golden sweet potatoes so healthy & low GI. smile

The golden onions in the egg & onion is a brilliant idea - thanks! *applause*

I thought I’d surprise him with some zucchini treats - we usually avoid them since I can’t go near them. But I figure the various cakes and sweet treats are out? At least there’s a wide range of fresh fruit.

So, I’ve found grain-free matzah recipes:

Not perfect, not kosher for an orthodox Seder ritual (that matzah requires grain) but it’s not worth buying a box just to eat an olive’s portion. He snuck in chocolates today, I really can’t tempt him. 

A healthier charoseth:  We’ll use cashews, due to allergies. I’m worried charoseth is too rich for him, anyway. cheese

joanne said:

A healthier charoseth:  We’ll use cashews, due to allergies. I’m worried charoseth is too rich for him, anyway.

Our charoset is just 3 ingredients: Grated apple, ground almond, and a few drops of sweet wine mixed in right before serving.

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