Can you compare 2 presentations in powerpoint 2016, and merge them?

I don't want you to think I come running to you all at the drop of a hat. I have tried for hours to find the information about this, and it has been conflicting. I have a proofreading project arriving in February, and it will be in Powerpoint though I am not sure it will be the latest 2016 program, which is what I have. 

I have been practicing. I created a powerpoint presentation, and made a copy. Uploaded the copy to OneDrive. Shared it with myself and another person. Downloaded the OneDrive copy to my desktop. Made changes to the copy. Now I would like to look at the copy, and the revised copy, and compare the two to see what it will look like to the client. I want to see if I can compare the two documents, view the changes, and accept or reject the changes. 

From my googling, and reading powerpoint help pages, I understand that this program does not work the same way MSWord does in terms of tracking. One help page said to open the original document (in my scenario, the copy), and then go the the review - compare tab and then hit compare. The only similar tab I saw was a review tab and there was no compare tab or tool or function or possibility. 

Is anyone familiar with this, or can give me some advice. If I have to watch an entire tutorial on the program, I will but would love to have this question answered sooner if possible.

Thanks for any help.

The more I read about this, the more I realize that the Powerpoint 2016 for Mac may be different than the one for Windows, and the 2016 may be different than the 2011. 

I have PPT 2011 on my Mac. This version does have a Review/Compare option. Here's the help page. At least in my version, I have to have one file open and then specify the other file from within the Compare option. You're not seeing anything that lets you specify the other file to compare?

Kthnry, first THANK YOU so much for helping me. I really spent 8 hours trying to figure this out yesterday. This is the review ribbon for powerpoint 2016:

I think this (version 2016 vs. 2011) explains why I came across conflicting information. When I looked at the help section comparison of the two versions of powerpoint, it claimed that the conflict resolution feature was 'improved.' In another place, I read that there was no 'review, compare' feature for 2016. 

I read in several places that there is something called conflict resolution in powerpoint 2016 for people who are working on the same documents. I have been unable to see the process for making this work, or to see any reference to conflict resolution in the actual 2016 program as I work in it.

I rented MS Office for the year, and it's a 2016 version. I didn't want to rent the 2011 version without knowing whether it had the feature I was looking for (review compare). 

I think what I will do now is 1) figure out how the conflict resolution feature works in 2016, and 2) ask the client which version of powerpoint they will be sending to me. 

Thank you again for helping me figure this out. I will find a couple of tutorials to see if I can learn the conflict resolution process in 2016 pp. Have a GREAT Sunday!! Lisa

Interesting. I'm also renting Office, have been for about two years, and I always thought it got me the latest version of each program. I guess not. Sometimes that's good, though.

I never use PPT, but Microsoft is always moving functions around in Word and Excel. I personally think it's to hide the fact that they're not releasing anything new. 

I looked at the tutorial on powerpoint 2016, and went straight to the section that I thought would include the information I needed, but it did not. Looked at another tutorial about the differences between the two programs, and that also did not mention conflict resolution or review and compare. It's really quite maddening. I always assume that I am doing something wrong because technology doesn't come naturally to me, but I think you may be right that they are hiding something. For instance, if they removed the review and compare process, maybe they don't want to come out and say that, which would of course save me a lot of time trying to figure this out. I am also working with a Mac and I think we don't get all the functionality that Windows does, but again, this is a conclusion based on my unclear understanding.

Ah yes, I am about to watch a 4 minute section of the tutorial for powerpoint 2016 Windows about review and comparing documents, which is NOT part of the point point 2016 tutorial for MAC. I think I will have discovered the problem in only 11 hours. OH JOY!

The Mac versions are inferior. Slower and clunkier and harder to find things. I see it every day because I work on a Windows PC in my day job. Microsoft isn't going to invest a lot of effort into programs that benefit a competitor. I do a few small jobs from home on my Mac, but if I were ever to take on a big project, I'd probably buy a Windows machine. 

Thanks for letting me know. Appreciate your opinion. I just watched the tutorial on the review and compare, and yes it is in the Windows version but not the Mac. Now to find out if it is in the 2011 version for Mac. Wow.

It is in the 2011 version for the Mac. That's the screen shot I posted above.

Also, you might try Microsoft's help chat. It comes with your subscription. I find chat to be a very effective way to get support -- much better than the phone.

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