Cait and abbys refuses to toast bagels!

Cait and Abby's daily bread bakery, right next to the train station in SO refuses to toast their bagels! I go in there before my train every morning for coffee and i recently ordered a bagel toasted with butter. The woman rudely replied "we dont toast". Is it so hard to get a toaster? There are 3 other bagel places within feet from them, I go in because I like their coffee but it is such a hassel to run around all over just to get my breakfast! Does anyone else have a problem with this?

I've never had a bagel from them but I'm sure they must have a toaster. Afterall, they sell fresh bread and it only makes sense to have a toaster, no? It never donned on me to ever get a bagel from C & A. To me, they are more like a cake and cookie place than a place to go for delish bagels. Stop wasting your time with them and head to Sonny's if you can before your train. They toast and they are delicious!

What is wrong with "we don't toast"?
They want customers in and out quickly and I can understand why. Customers whose orders require special preparation should go elsewhere. End of story.

No one is ENTITLED to a toasted bagel.

Posted By: kmkWhat is wrong with "we don't toast"?
They want customers in and out quickly and I can understand why. Customers whose orders require special preparation should go elsewhere. End of story.

No one is ENTITLED to a toasted bagel.

It sounds like you're the lady who said "we don't toast"! Your nasty post seems a little over the top considering the OP's simple request. I've never gotten turned down when I've asked for a toasted bagel/bialy/muffin, so, yes, I would have been just as surprised as the OP if my request denied. Don't forget: the customer is always right.

This is ridiculous. They are not a bagel place. They are a bakery. Bakeries don't toast...silly people!!!

The customer can be right about the product that is offered. If a customer "has a problem with" with a shop they should simply go elsewhere.

Cait and Abby's is a bakery that sells baked goods. They are not a deli or a breakfast shop. Maybe one day they will choose to go that route.

Until then let them do what they do and no complaining.

FWIW: I firmly believe that most successful businesses will bend over backward to please their customers if the customers are polite and time allows.

Posted By: meggieThis is ridiculous. They are not a bagel place. They are a bakery. Bakeries don't toast...silly people!!!

besides - toasting a fresh bagel is sacrilegious and probably insulting to the baker (does C&A make their own?).

As a person of Jewish heritage, I believe that I am entitled to a toasted bagel. In the covenant that God made with the Jewish people, unless I have misread it, the down side was cutting off part of the foreskins of the males at birth, and following the 10 Commandments; but the upside was becoming the chosen people, and toasted bagels at any store that sells them.

I beg to differ:

"if thoust bagel requires toasting, it is either of poor craft or is aged beyond its shelf life"

(Lender 7:11)

Posted By: drummerboy(Lender 7:11)


Posted By: kmkCait and Abby's is a bakery that sells baked goods. They are not a deli or a breakfast shop. Maybe one day they will choose to go that route. Until then let them do what they do and no complaining.

Out of curiousity, if Cait and Abby's is a bakery and not a deli or breakfast shop, do they butter the bagels they sell or not?

This is the first I've heard of where a toaster can only be in a deli or breakfast shop and not in any other store selling food. Is it a local law?

Since there are 3 other bagel places within feet, go to one of them.

They have every right to not toast bagels and you have every right not to go there. What you do not have a right to do is think they are obliged to follow your rules.

I have to agree with drummerboy - as someone who makes bagels from scratch at home, toasting a fresh one is akin to murder. Makes you wonder about freshness of product if a store that makes 'em toasts 'em.

That said, surely there's a product list on display somewhere inside the store? Does that say 'We don't toast bagels'? Do they toast anything? If they toast anything but not bagels, then you have my sympathy. If they don't toast anything, and the display board doesn't mention toasting then it's 'buyer beware'

I've been to any number of places that don't toast bagels and don't want to install a toaster. What's so hard about getting bagels somewhere else? I love my bagels toasted (unless they are really, really good bagels, and then they don't need it, but that's rate in my experience) so if a place won't toast them, I order something else and make a mental note to try another place if my heart's set on a bagel.

Posted By: joanneIf they don't toast anything, and the display board doesn't mention toasting then it's 'buyer beware'

The key is to look around. If you don't see a toaster, inquire in sprightly tones: "Do you toast bagels?" If the answer is no, move on.

Why do they have to say they don't do something? They don't serve pizza or sushi either. I would think the list of things they don't do would be rather long.

The OP asked for a toasted bagel and they said they do not do that. That is enough.

Last time I was there Cait and Abby's was a bakery and staffed as a bakery, not a short order restaurant. Places such as Bagel Chateau which have four or five countermen and a cook will be happy to toast a bagel for you, butter it or serve it with a smear.

Their are so many things to get irate about. Personally I can't get excited about a bakery that doesn't toast bagels, bread, blueberry muffins, etc.

Remember that the original poster likes coffee from the bakery and finds it too much of a "hassle" to cross the street for his/her toasted bagel. The original poster would prefer to be outraged that their needs weren't met ... It was easier.

And the outrage was so great that the OP made this the subject of his/her first, and so far only, post here.

If SOPAC weren't draining funds and causing taxes to be so high then Cait and Abby could afford a toaster.

(since every thread seem to turn to that I figured I would help the process along).

Don't you people have anything better to do with your time than complain about this issue. I am sure that there are more important issues in the world to focus on, such as the 9 1/2% unemployment rate in this country and the children starving in Africa. My suggestion is that you take the money that would have been spent on a bagel and donate it to a charity. Either that or get up five minutes earlier and toast your own bagel.

Robert, who is "you people"? I believe that the OP was the only one complaining.

Jasmo, my guess is robertc is being facetious.

Posted By: drummerboyI beg to differ:

"if thoust bagel requires toasting, it is either of poor craft or is aged beyond its shelf life"

(Lender 7:11)

Coming from you, I actually find that funny!:wink:

Ok people, they DO offer the service of cutting and buttering bagels so it only seems right that they would toast the, if they refused everything it would be a different story

And also, this is MAPLEWOODONLINE, i wouldnt waste my time talking about starving people in Africa and the unemployment rate on this website, it would be pointless. All I'm trying to say is that a place that prepares other kinds of food, including bagels, could get a toaster. I am positive I'm not the only one whos asked for a toasted bagel there before, just probably the only one who wrote about it but judging from the kind of people who post, the people who tell me I am stupid for taking the time to complain about something petty, who themselves are taking the time to complain about me, This will be my first and last post on this website.

Here is my suggestion. Get up a little earlier so you can get a toasted bagel from On Board Bagels and then get your coffee from Katie and Abby's.

Posted By: supersteph9467 This will be my first and last post on this website.

Adios amigo. Vaya con dios!!!


You encountered a situation which did not meet your expectations. That is unfortunate.

You are, however, complaining about the people responsible for your dissatisfaction.

Compare, e.g., mschweber's complaint elsewhere, regarding the town's failure to compensate him for his own bank's mistake.

Take the criticisms for what they're worth, and no more.

Welcome to our virtual neighborhood.


I wasn't complaining. And I did not expect the town to pay interest. I was just commenting on the asymetrical nature of tax payments (actually all payments). Pay early and you are just paying early. Pay even one day late and get hit with interest.

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