If they are large, mostly black bees, call an exterminator, now. Those are carpenter bees. In any case, why wait?
I'm usually slow to call the pest guy, but yes, what fjj said, you don't want any of these bugs inside your walls, much less in living spaces. Ultimately, they're probably better off outside.
Carpenter bees are little cordless drills with half inch drill bits in their Chuck… they will drill holes and set up a colony in your walls. Get them out now.
Carpenter bees are little cordless drills with half inch drill bits in their Chuck… they will drill holes and set up a colony in your walls. Get them out now.
I would seal the hole on the siding after pumping in some wasp or bee killer.
Thanks. Not carpenter bees... yellow jackets! Had exterminator come and he stirred them up and hopefully out with some spray stuff.
Although I just read that they would probably die off once temperatures drop to the mid-forties.
rhw said:
Thanks. Not carpenter bees... yellow jackets! Had exterminator come and he stirred them up and hopefully out with some spray stuff.
Although I just read that they would probably die off once temperatures drop to the mid-forties.
Yeah and they get more aggressive as it gets colder. I have no problem slaughtering yellow jackets. They stung me three times in about ten seconds when I was a teenager. My face swelled up pretty badly.
I once had yellowjackets along the entire back side of my house, from basement to third floor. I learned that they could form a nest so large that it could rot and stink. (Blecchh!) Fortunately, that didn't happen but I did get stung by a dead YJ in my washing machine. After that, I learned the DIY is not helpful for exterminating yellowjackets. Professionals must be consulted if you are concerned.
mrincredible said:
Yeah and they get more aggressive as it gets colder. I have no problem slaughtering yellow jackets. They stung me three times in about ten seconds when I was a teenager. My face swelled up pretty badly.
Got stung twice on my stomach one night a couple of summers ago. Had not been stung since childhood. Was not prepared for the burning and intense pain, and could not wear pants or shorts with a real waistband for about two weeks. I was miserable. But now have zero issue killing yellow jackets!
If you simply let them die off when the temperature drops, their eggs may survive the winter, and then you might be faced with the same problem next summer.
rhw said:
Thanks. Not carpenter bees... yellow jackets! Had exterminator come and he stirred them up and hopefully out with some spray stuff.
Although I just read that they would probably die off once temperatures drop to the mid-forties.
My Exterminators recommended giving them an exit ramp after pumping in some spray and not sealing the hole, to prevent them from being trapped forever in your walls and possibly dig in deeper.
the_18th_letter said:
I would seal the hole on the siding after pumping in some wasp or bee killer.
48th REMEMBER & TELL South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance Service
Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm
We have either bees or wasps that are flying in and out of a tiny hole in our outside clapboard siding. There is no evidence that they have entered any of our living spaces. Should we wait it out, or hire an exterminator to remove?