Because of COVID-19, we will have to delay the first get together until at least June. Stay well.
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Auditions for the Maplewood Strollers' Production of 'The Colored Museum'
Jan 14, 2025 at 7:00pm
Are you the proud parent(s) of a beagle? Do you love the sweet nature of the beagle? Do you enjoy listening to the beagle howl? Are your eyes constantly on the ground when walking your beagle watching for morsels of food they may pick up? If so, this message is for you.
I am the proud parent of 10 year old, Betsy the beagle, adopted 9 months ago. From walking Betsy, I have met other beagle owners near my home - around the Hilton section of Maplewood.
As the weather is getting warmer and spring is in the air, I thought it might be nice to get our beagles and their parents together - a little socializing with the parents and some playtime, treats and buttsniffing with our four legged children.
We could meet at Maplecrest Park on Springfield Avenue, perhaps on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning or afternoon in March or April. If interested, let me know what days might work for you.
It would be a way to exchange ideas, perhaps schedule playdates and overnights and to just hang out with the friendliest and sweetest breed of dog - the Beagle - and their owners.
You can message other beagle owners that might be interested in this get together too. Or you can e-mail me at Look forward to having the first BEAGLE BUDDY SOMA gathering. Mary, Indiana Street, Maplewood.
Because of COVID-19, we will have to postpone the first Beagle Buddy get together until at least June. Stay well everyone.