Bat flying around our bedroom.

I was comming here to post for ideas about getting a bat out of our house but now I'm just here to give a big thank you shout out to Melanie form South Orange animal control. She was here within 20 min of our call to the police (non emergency number) and out the door with the bat in about 15 minutes from when she arrived. That includes the time it took for me to drag her to the darkest corners of my attic and basement where I was sure more giant blood sacking would bats were waiting in ambush. She was a real class act and extreemly professional.

Wait: Do bats really suck blood?

How'd she get it out?

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it out?

In a coffee can via animal control. Unfortunately it has to be tested for rabies so it's days of cruising the SOMA skies are over.

mplwoodishome said:
Wait: Do bats really suck blood?

According to Professor Google no, but there are some that drink it.

Scully said:
Ah, memories...

That thread should be archived. It should never, ever be lost.

At our old house in S.O., we didn't have a bat but we had a bird. The bird was flying around and flipping out. It was a crazy, crazy scene. Mr. K and I grabbed the biggest blanket we could find and made everyone shut the hell up and be still (hoping to calm it). After it flew into a few windows and walls, it was still on high octane and not slowing down. Eventually, and don't ask me how as it's all a bad dream and blur, we got it under the blanket and was able to keep it gathered under there and released it outside. That night was the first time I drank Macallan's.

Good luck to you.

kibbegirl said:
At our old house in S.O., we didn't have a bat but we had a bird. The bird was flying around and flipping out. It was a crazy, crazy scene. Mr. K and I grabbed the biggest blanket we could find and made everyone shut the hell up and be still (hoping to calm it). After it flew into a few windows and walls, it was still on high octane and not slowing down. Eventually, and don't ask me how as it's all a bad dream and blur, we got it under the blanket and was able to keep it gathered under there and released it outside. That night was the first time I drank Macallan's.
Good luck to you.

Exactly what I had last night after animal control left. The 12 though. Wouldn't waste the 18 on soothing my bat fueled panic. I'll probably be drinking it all week until the rabies test results come back.

Also wanted to mention of the three service calls I made last night (that weren't to animal control) the only guy that got back me was Jerry Buckingham. SOMA is lucky to have that guy.

How'd she get it into the can?

P.S. I remember many years ago my neighbor had this problem. She was screaming while her brother chased it around the house with a squash racquet. Apparently, the bat wasn't much of a squash player, so they called the fire department (maybe the police dept, but I seem to recall it was the fire dept). A guy came over with a fire extinguisher and froze the bat, then carried it out. I think it was about a year before my neighbor fully recovered from that episode. (And then there was the time a raccoon got into her house...)

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it out?
In a coffee can via animal control. Unfortunately it has to be tested for rabies so it's days of cruising the SOMA skies are over.

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it into the can?
P.S. I remember many years ago my neighbor had this problem. She was screaming while her brother chased it around the house with a squash racquet. Apparently, the bat wasn't much of a squash player, so they called the fire department (maybe the police dept, but I seem to recall it was the fire dept). A guy came over with a fire extinguisher and froze the bat, then carried it out. I think it was about a year before my neighbor fully recovered from that episode. (And then there was the time a raccoon got into her house...)

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it out?
In a coffee can via animal control. Unfortunately it has to be tested for rabies so it's days of cruising the SOMA skies are over.

Animal Control. Melanie came armed with a butterfly net, leather gloves and a coffee can. I can only assume as to what took place in the bedroom because the door was closed and I was hiding safely outside while she did her thing. My guess is she waited for it to land, covered it with the net, grabbed it with her gloved hand and then put it in the coffe can.

No way. Nope. Never in a million years. Calling BS on this one. Had to have been a drunkpigeon.

Have my own memories of this, my brother and I were able to trap it under a sheet, AFTER, it flew straight at me and I ran out of the room freaking out

We had a bat a couple of times. The first one left quickly. The second one left before long.

Animal control came at midnight?????????

Unlike the last Animal Control Officer, I see the current Officer on calls all around the Village. I see her stopping at the Vet's when drastic assistance is required for the animal she picked up. Everyone who has told me they called her says she has responded very quickly and professionally. It is about time the Village has a person of her high caliber in this position.

This link may work, though you have to scroll back to page 1 first I think...

mjh said:

Scully said:
Ah, memories...
That thread should be archived. It should never, ever be lost.

Ctrzbat part deux, taken at approximately 7,862,549 frames per second...

When we had a bat a few years back we called the Maplewood Fire Department. They came right out and said they get such calls all the time. If any possibility someone got bit, get tested for rabies

mjh said:

Scully said:
Ah, memories...
That thread should be archived. It should never, ever be lost.

Agree 100%. Just seeing Batman's scream of anguish has me giggling uncontrollably

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it into the can?
P.S. I remember many years ago my neighbor had this problem. She was screaming while her brother chased it around the house with a squash racquet. Apparently, the bat wasn't much of a squash player, so they called the fire department (maybe the police dept, but I seem to recall it was the fire dept). A guy came over with a fire extinguisher and froze the bat, then carried it out. I think it was about a year before my neighbor fully recovered from that episode. (And then there was the time a raccoon got into her house...)

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it out?
In a coffee can via animal control. Unfortunately it has to be tested for rabies so it's days of cruising the SOMA skies are over.
Animal Control. Melanie came armed with a butterfly net, leather gloves and a coffee can. I can only assume as to what took place in the bedroom because the door was closed and I was hiding safely outside while she did her thing. My guess is she waited for it to land, covered it with the net, grabbed it with her gloved hand and then put it in the coffe can.

This reminds me of that Dr. Seuss book where the fish got so big it had to go in the pool and then Mr. Carp came with a toolbox and goggles...

eliz said:

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it into the can?
P.S. I remember many years ago my neighbor had this problem. She was screaming while her brother chased it around the house with a squash racquet. Apparently, the bat wasn't much of a squash player, so they called the fire department (maybe the police dept, but I seem to recall it was the fire dept). A guy came over with a fire extinguisher and froze the bat, then carried it out. I think it was about a year before my neighbor fully recovered from that episode. (And then there was the time a raccoon got into her house...)

GGartrell said:

unicorn33 said:
How'd she get it out?
In a coffee can via animal control. Unfortunately it has to be tested for rabies so it's days of cruising the SOMA skies are over.
Animal Control. Melanie came armed with a butterfly net, leather gloves and a coffee can. I can only assume as to what took place in the bedroom because the door was closed and I was hiding safely outside while she did her thing. My guess is she waited for it to land, covered it with the net, grabbed it with her gloved hand and then put it in the coffe can.
This reminds me of that Dr. Seuss book where the fish got so big it had to go in the pool and then Mr. Carp came with a toolbox and goggles...

That book is A Fish Out of Water by Helen Palmer Geisel illustrated by PD Eastman; it is not a Dr. Seuss book.

ctrzaska said:
This link may work, though you have to scroll back to page 1 first I think...

mjh said:

Scully said:
Ah, memories...
That thread should be archived. It should never, ever be lost.

Thank you!

PeggyC said:

mjh said:

Scully said:
Ah, memories...
That thread should be archived. It should never, ever be lost.
Agree 100%. Just seeing Batman's scream of anguish has me giggling uncontrollably

As soon as I saw this thread title I jumped to open it, and sure enough, there was the vowel-challenged guy's scream! Just as I predicted. Laughed my ass off in my office, now they all think I am nuts (and that I am cruising the internet instead of working!).

Been a while since our uninvited guest was evicted by Melanie from SO Animal control but now we are worried about his kin who may be held up in out attic. Called gotwildlifepro this morning and I am waiting for them to call back now. Anyone used them for bat exclusion before?

My next door neighbors had a bat in their house 2 weeks ago which flew past both of them, hitting the lady in the face with it's wing. More than one doctor told them they had to have rabies shots! (which they both did) The doctor said the bat could have spit on them with the rabies germs.

mcgoey said:
My next door neighbors had a bat in their house 2 weeks ago which flew past both of them, hitting the lady in the face with it's wing. More than one doctor told them they had to have rabies shots! (which they both did) The doctor said the bat could have spit on them with the rabies germs.

Well this one was caught so we will know if it had rabies soon enough. Makes me wonder though about bats that enter and exit undetected. Someone could contract rabies and never know. Just one ore terminal ailment for me to be anxious about.

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