I have found that people are better than web sites for this. Find the contact info for an organization and call them. Most people who run youth sports organizations truly do want more kids playing, and will help anyone find a home.
The towns softball rec program is not really a try-out, unsure about baseball but assume same. The following grade levels have evaluations for softball.
Junior div(grades 4/5)
Senior div(grades 6-8)
This is because there is a draft and it helps to even out the teams. There is more info the programs on the MSO Softball site as well on the towns Rec Site
I have two daughters 11 & 8 who both play rec and Villagers, feel free to DM if you want more info.
It's the same with baseball. Everyone who signs up gets on a team. As noted above, the "tryouts" are actually just evaluations where every kid hits, fields and throws a few balls to help create balanced teams. In the meantime, your daughter might enjoy going to an indoor batting cage like D-Bat in Mountainside or Frozen Ropes in Union try hitting in a more relaxed environment. They also have areas where they'll give fielding lessons if you're so inclined.
The town is also running the following workouts starting soon which you can register for Rec players. Can be registered via same link I provided above.
Friday nights at SOMS is all softball drills (fielding, throwing, etc...)
Friday nights at SOMS softball pitching (all levels) rec players
Sunday afternoon hitting clinic at The Gym, rec players
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Mar 23, 2025 at 3:00pm