Autumn Leaves, A Seniors Fall Party In Maplewood 9/25, 1-4 at Les Saisons in Maplewood

Organized by Jim Buchanan, Art Christensen and Chef Jesse, this looks to be a lot of fun. Tell your friends and kick off the fall season!

Music by the "Starlighters Quartet", Hors D'oeuvres by Chef Jesse and Elegant Atmosphere by Les Saisons at 304 Elmwood Ave in Maplewood.

Cost is $15 per person, reserve your tickets at 973-699-8276 or email

Please see the attachment for all of the details.


Art requests that RSVP be made by Wednesday September 21, 2016, so they will have an accurate head count. Space is limited so early reservation is recommended.

I think this is great and I can attest that Art throws great parties! I won't be in town this weekend and I'm not sure I'm quite ready to claim "Senior" status, but I hope that there will be many more!

The plan is to hold one of these events every three months or so. Other dates on the flyer are December 18, 2016, April 9, 2017, and June 25, 2017.

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