As the words of that song go- "it's the end of the world as we know it.......

"With an extreme right SCOTUS and the  soon to be Neo fascist trump reelected by too many "politically unaware" Americans, THIS MAY VERY WELL BE OUR LAST JULY 4TH AS A DEMOCRACY. Folks seem to have forgotten that 45 has often stated that "he'll be a dictator on day one of taking office".

This is the guy who commented on the day of the racist and anti Semitic riot in Charlottesville in 2018 that some of the attending skin heads and members of the kkk were fine people. 

His favorite leaders of other countries are putin, Hungary's orban, and the leader of north korea.  

France is on the verge of of having it's most far right government since WWll.

Drump relies upon the ignorance of too many folks who may only have fox news as their source of info the enable him to win. fox has NEVERcalled him out on his too many blatant lies.

Truly scary times.

Or as they said on Game of Thrones, "Winter is coming."

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” ~Maya Angelou

I still cannot comprehend why Joe Biden is being critiqued and evaluated as a political leader while Trump is being critiqued and evaluated merely as an entertainer. Everyone is demanding coherence and competence from Joe, while ignoring the paper-towel tossing antics, the comments along the lines of "I just realized US stands for United States....I'm the first person in the world to ever think of this and people tell me I'm a genius" (or words to this effect) and don't get me started on the batteries, the wind or the sharks. It makes no sense! I don't deny that Joe Biden is older than I would like our president to be simply because he'll be aging during his term in office, but he is sane and not a megalomaniac. I'm depressed and disheartened by this whole thing....and it doesn't help that I had a heart attack after the Inauguration in 2017 and I don't want another one (another Trump inauguration OR another heart attack).

Not to mention that Biden may be shaky at times but is surrounded by competent talent while trump is totally divorced from reality and surrounded by sycophants…

Scully said:

Not to mention that Biden may be shaky at times but is surrounded by competent talent while trump is totally divorced from reality and surrounded by sycophants…

...surrounded by sycophants and by weirdo extreme rightists* who have big plans for how to use him.  imo, this is worse than 2017, when there were some "adults in the room," and others were too surprised to get their most disruptive plans in motion.

*with all respect for any reasonable conservatives who haven't succumbed

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